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Jul 2nd 2022
1/ 02 Juillet 2022 - Gen staff report
No major changes whatsoever. Ru are trying to improve their positions in some areas. Heavy arty shellings still ongoing in #Kharkiv Oblast and #Severodonetsk area and everywhere they want to advance but can't do much about it..
#UkraineMap ImageImage
2/ The Amazing and Grandiose Russian is still stuck in the #Izyum #Sloviansk direction because of tiny villages for 20 days now (for #Bohorodychne ) and some others for 40 days... speaks volume of their "power". Hence my love of showing specific topo map with no change of date. ImageImage
3/ on a more serious note :
on the #Lysychansk #Lyssytschansk #Lysichansk #Лисичанськ the situation this morning seems a bit better than yesterday evening. but it's hard to have a real idea about what's going on because lots of mouvement back and forth. Maybe more news tonight. Image
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