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May 20th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+451 (20/05) PdS2 - Théâtres

1/ Des nombres et des hommes, 117K
2/Front X, Hyp. Z, no-fly-zone !
3/Arrière scène, 20/20

Faucon libre

Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez loupé la chronique N°CDL-II de #GuerreEnUkraine, la voici👇


1/ Des nombres et des hommes, 117K

Selon #Medvedev, l’ex-président 🇷🇺 devenu alcoolique, 117K contractuels ont été enrôlés dans les bataillons de volontaires régionaux (BARS)
Je rappelle que 370K 🇷🇺 seraient déployés en #Ukraine : 220K dans le #Donbass et 150K dans le sud
Read 19 tweets
Apr 27th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+428 (27/04) PdS2 - Théâtres

1/Front X, hyp. Z, on trépide
2/Dniepr, rive gauche & #Crimee, on liquide
3/Arrière scène russe, on frôle le bide

Go, go, go !💙💛


Prénom : Vladimir Vladimirovitch
Né le : 7 octobre 1952

Recherché pour crime de guerre de déportation illégale de population d'enfants et de transfert illégal de population d'enfants des zones occupées d'🇺🇦vers🇷🇺 ImageImage

Nombre de crimes de guerre 👇commis sur des ENFANTS par cet individu👆 Image
Read 21 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
1. I have gathered from private donations of Romanians 451.000 euros so far and donated them to Ukraine in various forms of help. In this picture is a fire truck that i drove into #Bakhmut last month, picture taken entering Donetsk Oblast. Cost 28k eur with tansport. Thread:
2. Bought 4 of decommisioned DAC Romanian Army Trucks, repaired them, painted them and donated them to the #ZSU. The total cost of those (with repair and transport) 36k euro. @ChuckPfarrer maybe you'll like those :)
3. Purchased 17 4x4 SUV and repaired other 4 for Armed Forces of Ukraine. Total cost of those: 127.500 euro.
Read 11 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
#OTD 1943 | Vatutin’s South Western Front launched their assault on January 30th, 1943. The initial aim was
to clear Krasnyy Liman and break through the heavily
wooded Severnyy Donets river valley and into the
Donbas steppe beyond. #OperationGallop 1/X
1stGuards Army was to lead this push and the four tank
corps of Mobile Group Popov was to exploit. 6th Army was given the task of capturing the city of #Izyum
and maintaining a link with Voronezh Front to the
north. 2/X
To support #OperationGallop, South Western Front needed to clear the forests north of the #SevernyyDonets. This involved pushing the 19.PzDiv away from #KrasnyyLiman, creating a bridgehead over the river, and advancing towards #Slavyansk. 3/X
Read 52 tweets
Jan 21st 2023
Russo-Ukrainian War: The World Blood Pump

Gradually, and then Suddenly

by @witte_sergei

#NATORussiawar #Ukraine
Since #Russia’s surprise decision to voluntarily withdraw from west bank #Kherson in the first week of November, there has been little in the way of dramatic changes to the frontlines in #Ukraine.

In part, this reflects the predictable late autumn weather in Eastern Europe, which leaves battlefields waterlogged and clogged with mud and greatly inhibits mobility.

Read 72 tweets
Jan 11th 2023
A little bit of history
#Bakhmut was founded in 1571 by the #Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible on the southern frontier of the young Russian state. Bakhmut watchpost was called a little fortress. Then sloboda (a settlement of free peasants) grew around.
A solid fortress was built under the reign of Peter the Great.

#Bakhmut and #Izyum Cossacks actually raided against each other. It was also seen as the center of "Slavic Serbia" /Serbian and other Balkan peoples' settlements during the reign of Catherine the Great
after the revolution 1917, the Bolsheviks renamed the city in honor of Comrade Artyom, a prominent figure in the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the founder of the #Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic.
There's an argument of what should be called now #Bakhmut or #Artemovsk
Read 3 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
A milestone in the #RussiaUkraine war.
Tuesday 20 December is Day 300 of the unprovoked conflict.

Welcome along to another daily thread with all the important news and analysis, updated in real time throughout the day.

Here's yesterday's thread ICYMI
The NAFO Fellas down under asked me to let you know about this festive initiative:

#StandWIthUkraine #StopRussia

The @UN stands accused of "yielding to #Russia's threats" for not investigating #Iran's role in the drone attacks which are causing the civilian population unimaginable suffering

Many allies believe Iran's supply of weapons violates a 2015 UNSC resolution…
Read 38 tweets
Oct 7th 2022
#Kharkiv #Izium #Izyum #Iziummasscre: My coverage (articles and videos). @Heidi_Cuda 1/5

Ep.2 EBTNews; interviews:

European ambassadors
Kharkiv chief of police
a priest
@Izium @massgraves.

2/5 #Kharkiv #Izium #RussiaIsATerroristState #WarCrimes

Why do Russians torture people in occupied areas?

I got an answer. I found it speaking to the victims.

Read 8 tweets
Sep 30th 2022
I’ve gotten a lot of questions this week about #YevgenyPrigozhin’s public statement about his role as founder of the #WagnerGroup.The incoming is almost too much to handle so I thought I’d lay down a few thoughts here for journalists and other interested parties. 🧵 Image
1/#Prigozhin has had a kind of coming out party over the last few weeks with the buzz surrounding the release of a video showing him making a recruiting pitch to prisoners in a #Russian penal colony. The timing is, of course, curious. Image
2/We can get into the significance of the fact that the prison pictured is in the Mari El Republic in a separate thread--but suffice it to say there are a lot of stakeholders w/ overlapping interests co-located there. Image
Read 21 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
Russia is conducting a series of sham #referendums in the Ukrainian Oblasts of #Kherson, #Zaporizhzhia, #Donetsk and #Luhansk, with results expected tomorrow to show overwhelming support for those regions joining Russia.

Just one problem; its complete bullshit. A🧵;
Despite what you may have been told, the four regions in question are majority Ukrainian regions. In the most recent Ukrainian census back in 2001, #Kherson was 82% Ukrainian, #Zaporizhzhia was 71%, #Donetsk was 57%, and #Luhansk was 58%. Self-Identified Russians were a minority.
In #Kherson, only 14% of residents claimed Russian ethnicity. In #Zaporizhzhia it was 25%, and in #Donetsk and #Luhansk it was 38% and 39% respectively.

But that doesn't even tell the whole story.
Read 27 tweets
Sep 25th 2022
Sunday 25 September, Day 214 of #Russia's war of choice. Imagine a leader choosing to send over 50,000 of his countrymen to death and calling up another million, against a peaceful nation which never fired on, nor invaded anyone!

Here is the daily news thread

Sunday started with a bang in #Kherson.

More on that in a moment, but Saturday was a quiet one, thankfully. If you want to scroll back through, here's the thread:

#StopRussia #SaveUkraine

It's believed #Ukraine has killed another collaborator in #Kherson.

Former Deputy of National Affairs Oleksiy Zhuravko is one of the victims after missiles destroyed this hotel populated by Russians. He was twice an MP in Ukraine before moving to Russia in 2014.
Read 26 tweets
Sep 24th 2022
🧵Long thread about the so-called #referendums held by #Putin in 4 regions of #Ukraine⬇️
2. First, the legal issue. They are not legal. Period.
According to Ukrainian legislation, a referendum on the change of state borders (that is, on the adoption of new territories and secession of a certain part of #Ukraine) can be held under certain conditions:
–The referendum cannot be held during martial law.
–President appoints a referendum if the signatures of 3 million citizens of Ukraine have been collected.
–The referendum is held throughout the territory of #Ukraine.
Are these conditions met?
Of course not!
Read 12 tweets
Sep 23rd 2022
Almost the weekend, this is Friday's daily thread with all the news, views + analysis as #Russia attacks #Ukraine

It's Day 212 of the war

There's an update to the Ukraine fundraiser. We hope to get one of these alongside the winter clothing. If you can help, see my pinned tweet Image
As usual a link to yesterday's thread as a few of you tell me you like to check up on the news in one place.

Another fairly quiet day in terms of attacks and missiles, although just before Thursday ended, #Zaporizhzhia suffered a bad attack:

#Mobilization is still the big talking point in #Russia

This is a scene from #Makhachkala in the republic of #Dagestan. A big convoy of fresh convicts, sorry conscripts.

Woman can be heard wailing, knowing they may never see loved ones again.

#RussiansGoHome #StandWithUkraine
Read 39 tweets
Sep 22nd 2022
Thread: 22 September 2022: Day 211 of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine
Latest @DefenceHQ update: focuses on the announced #Russian "partial mobilisation" yesterday, doubts Moscow can raise 300,000 troops, and notes the "considerable political risk" to #Putin of trying to regenerate manpower for the war on #Ukraine in this way.
Read 63 tweets
Sep 21st 2022
Die Fake-Referenden + Putins Ankündigung der Teilmobilmachung zeigen, dass Russland langsam die Optionen ausgehen. Die 🇷🇺Führung hat realisiert, dass sie diesen Krieg verlieren kann. Es sind Zeichen der Schwäche, nicht der Stärke. 1/5
Die geplante völkerrechtswidrige Annexion der besetzten Gebiete soll die 🇺🇦 davor abschrecken, ihre Offensive fortzuführen. Der wiederholte Versuch, Ängste vor der nuklearen Eskalation zu schüren, soll den Rückhalt für die Unterstützung des Westens untergraben. 2/5
Wir rücken aber nicht von der 🇺🇦 ab. Der 🇷🇺Krieg ist ein Verbrechen, das sich jeden Tag wiederholt. Die Massengräber + Folterkammern in #Izyum lassen ahnen, welchem Leid und Schrecken die Menschen in den besetzten Gebieten ausgesetzt sind. 3/5
Read 5 tweets
Sep 21st 2022
Thread: 21 September 2022: Day 210 of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine
The former rector of the Moscow Aviation Institute, Anatoly Gerashchenko, had a "tragic accident" on Sept. 21, he "fell" - indeed, "flew" - down several flights of stairs and "received injuries incompatible with life".…
#Putin's delayed speech, delivered this morning, rambled through the war being necessary to stop #Ukraine having nukes, #NATO running Kiev's army and refusing peace, Novorossiya, neo-Nazis, and annexing the Donbas, to announce partial mobilisation.
Read 51 tweets
Sep 20th 2022
Thread: 20 September 2022: Day 209 of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine
#Russia "officially" preparing to "annex" the Donbas in eastern #Ukraine.

Should be noted, the Russians had such plans in Kherson and Kharkiv, which were derailed by the Ukrainian guerrillas before the Army liberated Kharkiv.
Imprisoned #Russian oppositionist Alexey Navalny comments on that video of Yevgeny Prigozhin recruiting prisoners for the war on #Ukraine. Sees it as a clear sign of the disintegration of the Army and notes such recruits can only make it worse.
Read 53 tweets
Sep 19th 2022
1/ Operational situation update / #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on September 19, 2022
The situat° hasn't change much for the last 20 hours
as i can tell & no direct evidence (until now of deeper move on Ru positions anywhere past current known front line
#UkraineMap #CarteUkraine
2/ Gen staff report part 1&2
3/ and that's it for now.. i'll to resume later tonight..
Right now it's .. Operation "Diner en ville" ;-)
Read 17 tweets
Sep 19th 2022
#BREAKING Kremlin says claims that mass graves were found in Ukraine's Izyum are 'lies' ImageImage
#UPDATE The Kremlin says claims mass graves were found in the formerly Russian-controlled city of Izyum in eastern Ukraine are fabrications. Image
Map showing the situation in Ukraine, as of September 19 at 0800 GMT
#AFPgraphics @AFP Image
Read 9 tweets
Sep 18th 2022
Sunday 18 September, daily thread number 207 covering the news and analysis of #Russia's illegal invasion.

The fundraising to help #Ukraine's army with specific items for winter stands at £900 / €1000 after 2 days which is amazing - please see the pinned tweet if you can help!
A late start today to the thread, but it's been largely quiet in #Ukraine so far this Sunday.

For all yesterday's stories check through yesterday's thread right here:

#SlavaUkraini #StandWithUkraine

In #Kramatorsk a hotel was destroyed by shelling.

#Russians will doubtless claim it was housing #Ukraine soldiers, no way to prove either way in the fog of war, but there are no reported civilian casualties in the city near the frontline in #Donetsk region.

Read 34 tweets
Sep 17th 2022
About new fake from US/NATO/KievNazis in #Izyum aiming at discrediting the Russian troops.🧵

A few words about the burials in Izyum from a man who personally dealt with them.

First of all, it should be said that I personally,with comrades from a specially assigned unit of the
20th Army, went to the front line several times to collect the bodies of Ukrainian servicemen. Under the incessant shelling of Ukraine artillery,we took out already half-decomposed corpses to the city morgue in the city of Izyum. At that time, our command was actively looking for
opportunities to transfer the remains to the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, found volunteers who could do that, but the Ukrainian side was constantly looking for reasons to postpone the transfer, and then completely stopped communicating.
Read 12 tweets
Sep 17th 2022
1/ The latest out of #Izyum has led to further investigations into Russian atrocities in #Ukraine. What is the American #Congress doing? A 🧵
2/ In my article for @TheWilsonCenter and @kennaninstitute, I examine how Congress is weighing options as Russia continues its unjust war in Ukraine:…
3/ Currently, #Estonia, #Latvia, #Lithuania, #Czechia, #Canada, #Ireland, and #Ukraine have accused #Russia of inciting genocide in Ukraine. This is consistent with the conclusions made by sone leading experts and scholars:…
Read 12 tweets
Sep 17th 2022
Hello There!
Today, russians are going to suffer... nice surprises to come, everywhere...
2/ yesterday being very cautious, Ukr intel assessed :
"The enemy has recovered a little bit more from the shock in the #Kharkiv region and began to put up a, more or less, reasonable defense past the #Oskil.

There is also a tangible new front line that is emerging approximately
3/ "along" the Oskil River, down east of #Izyum.
We push from #Slavyansk to the north. (Steadily & with determination but trying to not "overreach" or get caught being reckless & receiving more damages than inflicted)"
"Our task is to take full control of #Liman and then go to
Read 21 tweets
Sep 17th 2022
Another weekend, another daily thread about the war in #Ukraine, a country fighting for its survival in the face of the onslaught from #Russia's huge army of war criminals and mercenaries.

It's Day 206

If you want to help, please consider donating here:…
So all Saturday's stories coming up, although I am commentating all day today so updates may be slower, apologies in advance.

Friday was quite a day. If you missed anything, fear not. Relive the unfolding events right here:

#SlavaUkraini #StopRussia

First, nice to start with a success story from #Ukraine

Donations helped keep #Mykolaiv zoo and its animals alive and well despite the war.

Online ticket sales raised €3m, staying in business and keeping animals alive. What's more, a rare Amur Leopard cub was born this year
Read 24 tweets

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