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Oct 5th 2021
New public health orders came into effect today that see further restrictions for Manitobans who are not fully vaccinated. Vaccination is the single-best, long-term solution to prevent further lockdowns and help keep our health care system available for everyone who needs it. 1/5
Anyone who is waiting for the proof of vaccination requirement to end, please consider the consequences of waiting. #COVID19 is not going away. 2/5
You are more likely to get severely sick from COVID if you are not vaccinated, than if you are vaccinated. 3/5
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Jul 28th 2021
An old question that I’m still hearing is if it’s true that the vaccines can't affect your DNA. This is entirely true – mRNA vaccines cannot alter your DNA. (1/8)
The best way to think of mRNA is as instructions for our body. Our body produces mRNA all the time - this is how our body provides instructions to cells on how to produce many different proteins normally. (2/8)
In this case, rather than our body making mRNA, the vaccine provides it, but it gets read and managed the same way as always. (3/8)
Read 8 tweets
Jun 17th 2021
Manitoba has very recently been advised that Pfizer shipments will slow down into early July. Very few Pfizer appointments are expected to be available in the weeks ahead. (1/5)
The good news is that there are thousands of first and second-dose Moderna appointments available next week and in the future. (2/5)
If you're 18+, don't wait for Pfizer for your 2nd shot when you're eligible - book a Moderna appointment. Pfizer and Moderna are both safe, effective and interchangeable. (3/5)
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May 31st 2021
Happy to provide an update for those wondering about AstraZeneca: If you got a first shot of AZ, your second dose will be an mRNA vaccine – either Pfizer or Moderna. (1/7)
This decision is being made now that our supply of mRNA is strong and after results from a Spanish study showed people who had a second dose of an mRNA vaccine, after AstraZeneca, had a good immune response. (2/7)
We can make this change, knowing that switching products will still offer a good effectiveness against #Covid19MB while also reducing any rare risks of side effects from AZ. (3/7)
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May 31st 2021
Here is a summary of the Spanish trial used to determine #COVID19MB vaccine strategy recommending mRNA as 2nd dose for those receiving AZ first time.

Quick 🧵 below…
663 ppl selected to receive Pfizer or no vaccine after AZ 1st dose. Antibody response w Pfizer 150x ⬆️, no response in control group.

#COVID19MB (more)…
Antibody levels with 2nd dose Pfizer and 1st dose AZ similar or higher than both doses same vaccine.

Antibodies tested for their neutralizing effect on COVID and success!

#COVID19MB (more)…
Read 11 tweets
Apr 5th 2021
As of today, we have delivered 10 million #COVID19 vaccines across Canada! Here’s how we’re working with provinces and territories to protect communities:
In Newfoundland, 129,060 vaccines have been delivered and 69,851 doses have been administered across the province. More info on Getting the Shot:…
In PEI, we’ve delivered 39,585 vaccines and they have administered 25,153 doses. Islanders can learn more here:…
Read 14 tweets

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