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Apr 11th 2022
As some of you may have read my previous #thread on @SphereDeFi
would know the projects strong fundamentals

I want to now cover a new feature QLaaS

Thanks to @SphereDeFi I have 4,000 $SPHERE (250 $USD) to #giveaway later in 🧵

🧵QLaaS, What is it? 🔮🔮

#defi #crypto #polygon
Table of Contents

1. What is Liquidity pt.1?
1a. What is Liquidity pt.2?
2. Quantum Liquidity
2a. What is QLaaS?
3. QLaaS Clients
4. TetuSwap
5. Improvements
6. Giveaway
1. What is Liquidity?

Liquidity is the amount of funds available in an exchange.

In Sphere's case, this is the WMATIC/SPHERE liquidity pool on #matic quickswap.
The pool contains $WMATIC and $SPHERE

Pools need to maintain a 1:1 USD ratio between two tokens.

#polygon #crypto
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