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Aug 3rd 2022
Our discovery of mutations in the CIDEB gene that protect against liver disease is published in @NEJM, leading to possible #RNAi therapeutics for NASH by Regeneron & Alnylam. 🚨…

A short summary of the key findings 🧬🧵↓ ImageImage
Liver disease is a big unsolved problem:

1⃣ 1 in 3 adults globally have fatty liver, often due to #obesity.

2⃣ Liver inflammation due to fat (NASH) is becoming #1 cause of liver transplant.

3⃣No approved therapies.

Where can we find possible NASH targets?

➡️In our DNA! Image
Studies of common genetic variants found PNPLA3 (2008 - risk-increasing, and HSD17B13 (2018 – protective, variants associated with liver disease that are now potential #RNAi therapeutics currently in development. ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
May 27th 2021
Re: Who is the missing “matchmaker”...?… How many other atheists failed to link God's Creation of sunlight & humidity to all oxygen-dependent life on Earth via naturally occurring light-activated carbon fixation & #protonated RNA interference (#RNAi)?
Is @PingXie09415604 the only Communist who is willing to challenge my accurate representation of top-down causation in… (6/14/13) which refuted Masatoshi Nei's "Mutation-Driven evolution" (6/14/13)
@PingXie09415604 caused me to look back on Nei's claim that "...natural selection is an evolutionary process initiated by mutation." All ecological adaptations have since been linked to the light-activated weekend resurrection of the bacterial flagellum
Read 7 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020
Excited to announce my first first-author publication (ever!) from my PhD is now online!!!! Co-first author with the amazing @Rafiqi51. Directed by @ehab_abouheif The Great @AbouheifLab. @BioMcGill @mcgillu @EvoDevoPanAm Want to know more? [A THREAD]… 1/n
Developmental biology textbooks were of no use when the #segmentationhierarchy was #shook with #hoxgenes unleashed and the #fusion of highly conserved gene regulatory networks! #2germlines and an #embryo that gives humpty dumpty a run for his money. #CamponotusFloridanus 3/n
Read 22 tweets

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