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Mar 26th 2022
11-12 Nov'47 when whole India was celebrating first Diwali after Independence, 10000s of Hindus were being massacred in Rajouri city of J&K.

#RajouriMassacre arguably one of the most brutal & biggest genocide in India's modern history, yet Unreported & #Undocumented #Thread 1/n Image
#Rajouri was a predominantly a Hindu populated city, surrounded by Muslim populated villages.

Till Sep'1947, Rajouri was a town with a population of 5,000. By early Nov, this number had swelled to over 40,000, with Hindu-Sikh refugees streaming in from the west. 2/n Image
12 Oct'47, Paki invaders had attacked and occupied the areas of J&K. Brig. Chattar Singh of Mirpur Brigade ordered Col Rehmat Ullah, who was commanding 9 JAK Co, posted at Jhangar, to recapture Sensa tehsil. 3rd JAK, under the command of Maj. Nasarullah was also sent to help. 3/n ImageImage
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