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Aug 8th 2019
"#OpDeathEaters #Guam #opdegod "The pastor sent the sobbing 13-year-old altar boy away with a warning:
“If you say anything to anybody, no one will believe you.”… #CatholicChurch
"Denton told his mother, but says she accused him of making it up. He told another priest, but that man did nothing & later turned out to be an abuser himself."

What mother in her right mind would think a 13 yr old boy would make something like that up #OpDeathEaters? #opdegod
"thousands of pages of court documents reviewed by The Associated Press, along with extensive interviews, tell a story of systemic abuse dating from the 1950s to as recently as 2013. They show a pattern of repeated collusion by predator priests" #OpDeathEaters #opdegod
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