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Aug 1st 2019
The #UASF was a defining event of #Bitcoin. 2 years later we may forget what the movement looked like early on. It was never a sure thing. Many people were confused & felt powerless in the face of what looked like massive support for a forced protocol change (NYA/#SegWit2x).
In fact many thought that #Bitcoin was over as we knew it. How could anyone (or any group) go up against such an overwhelming amount of hashrate and corporate backing? It looked like an impossible battle. But Bitcoin and Bitcoiners exist for impossible battles. #RememberTheUASF
All revolutionary movements start small. People started to organize & coordinate. Code was written. Memes were made. Hats were manufactured. Momentum started to build. Eventually the #UASF won the day. It was never a sure thing but we were 100% committed and that’s what mattered.
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