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Sep 22nd 2020
Analysis: #NASDAQ

Case 485 #Cassava Sciences Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#SAVA 1/3 Image
Chart 1
Weekly Chart: An attempt is underway to close above May 2015 #trendline and price is hovering below monthly 2016 pivot #resistance at 11.34, higher up another #pivot at 15.33 - a close above the latter targets 19.40 then the control level at 29.67.

SAVA 2/3 Image
Chart 2
Daily Chart: Price has risen strongly and left 2 unfilled gaps in the process, the best #support is seen at 6.67 as the broken May 2015 trendline is unreliable. Farther down the #SMA 200 at 4.84 between the 5.60-3.40 gap.

The #Strategy is printed on the image.

3/3 Image
Read 3 tweets
Jul 3rd 2020
Akıncılarımızın abdest suyu #Tuna ile #Sava nehrinin birleştiği yer..


Gâh gönlüm gibi cûşân u hurûşândır Tuna
Gâh göğsüm gibi nâlân u girîvândır Tuna

Kûh u hâmunlarda şeydâ deşt ü sahralarda mest
Şöhre-i her şehr ü rüsvâ-yı beyâbândır Tuna Image
Başı eflâke irer gerçi kemend-i mevc ile
Yüzi yirdedir yine hâk ile yeksândır Tuna

Pâk-tînet sâf-meşreb sâde-dil sâfî-derûn
Yâ ruh-ı cânân yahûd âyîne-i cândır Tuna

Yarlardan atılıp taşlara urur başını
Âşık-ı dîvâne vü Mecnûn-ı uryândır Tuna
Aşik Çelebi "Tuna Kasidesi"
Read 6 tweets
Dec 26th 2019
Around 3000 BCE in eastern #Europe, a Proto-Balto-Slavic #language started to diverge from #ProtoIndoEuropean.

The #Slavic branch of the #IndoEuropean #languages began about 2,000 years later when Proto-Slavic deviated from Proto-Balto-Slavic.

[Image:…] Source: The Indo-European L...
As the #Slavic-speaking area expanded during the first millennium CE (striped area on map), Proto-Slavic transitioned to Common Slavic. The #language underwent minor changes that occurred mostly uniformly across eastern #Europe, thereby maintaining mutual intelligibility. A map of eastern Europe sho...
Around the year 1000 CE #CommonSlavic began to split into the South, West, and East branches to which all modern #Slavic #languages belong.

Roughly 315m people speak a Slavic #language, mostly in Eastern #Europe (including the #Balkan peninsula), #CentralAsia, and #Siberia. A map of Europe highlightin...
Read 359 tweets

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