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Sep 11th 2019
@Sumukh94 @SinghNavdeep I have not experienced any stigma re: #mentalillness while serving with #SZA (or #SAD) for over thirteen years under such classification. People have been supportive and willing to entrust serious responsibility. Yes, I was willing to be challenged and sought to perform. +
@Sumukh94 @SinghNavdeep And I find the same applied to other Psych LMCs as well. As long as they demoed a willingness to carry themselves, the unit personnel made no distinction. None that is apparent, in any case.

As regards support systems, there is some truth to what the senior officers say ... +
@Sumukh94 @SinghNavdeep And that is largely due to the regimented living/working conditions. Deterioration occurs when there is an opportunity for the #mentalllyill to isolate themselves. Well-managed ests (which is most of them) do not allow this to happen ~ living/sharing and working conditions. +
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