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Feb 20th 2019
Clinic Report - Women and Children’s clinic: Every Tuesday, women and children come to our clinic to see a doctor and to access antenatal care. Image
Each visit lasts around an hour and half. This allows us to assess and support the women's physical and psychosocial wellbeing. #SafeBirths #HostileEnvironment Image
Last Tuesday, the clinic was very busy. Nine women came to be seen by a doctor. Four of them were pregnant, and only one had received antenatal care before Image
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Jan 14th 2019
On Saturday’s @BBCCasualty Hebe, delayed accessing maternity care due to #NHS charges - despite concerns that her baby was in trouble. Thanks @BBC and @Surfingsunshine for highlighting that #DeterrenceIsDangerous – it was great to work with you on the script.
If @BBCCasualty were able to continue Hebe’s story, her baby would have been billed for the vital care she received at a few hours old. If Hebe couldn’t pay, she would have been reported to the Home Office. Image
This is a reality for the mothers we see in our clinic. #NHS #Charging #StillSharing #SafeBirths
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Nov 29th 2018
“When I found out I was pregnant, I was really frightened. I had no money. I decided I would keep my pregnancy secret and get an abortion.” Image
A woman in London who had been refused asylum talks about the impact that huge maternity bills had on
EHRC reports call for an end to NHS charges for refused asylum seekers and all maternity service. #AccessHealthcare #SafeBirths
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Nov 29th 2018
Today, @EHRC demands “a clear separation” between immigration policy and healthcare to uphold UK’s equality and human rights obligations, calling on government to: Image
#Stopsharing data between the #NHS and immigration officials
End #NHS charges for people in England who have been refused asylum
Read 6 tweets

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