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Apr 25th 2023
1/ 🇦🇺 Australian electricians are evaluating which #EV chargers to offer going forward, and surprisingly, Tesla's wall charger isn't a top contender. Let's dive into the current landscape of EV chargers in this thread. ⚡🚘
2/ Bi-directional charging: Currently, the only available option is a CHAdeMO-equipped vehicle paired with a Wallbox Quasar, limited to South Australian residents. Tesla plans to enable bi-directional charging around 2025, but we'll have to see it to believe it. 🔌🔄
3/ What do electricians look for in an EV charger? Quality! The @froniussolar Wattpilot is a popular choice for its smart features, WiFi connectivity, and optional portability. The @myenergiuk Zappi 2 is another well-regarded option among Aussie solar installers. 🏆🔋
Read 10 tweets
Dec 21st 2021
We’ve been trying to get you all comfortable with EVs for a while now, but maybe we were just speaking the wrong language.

We’re electrifying our most iconic vehicles.
Range anxiety, shmange anxiety #ElectricVehicles
Read 9 tweets
May 26th 2021
$DCRN ➡️ @tritium IP highlights
Valuation at 1.4b
Free cash flow 2023
Will trade under $DCFC (DC fast charge 🧐)
24% for $DCRN share holders
No pipe
IP -… Image
The #EVrevolution
As batteries decrease in price and achieve longer range it’s now possible for electrification
Projected growth to 55 million #electricvehciles by 2040 Image
DC charging company (5-10) competitors globally
Around since 2001
Global reach with charging in 41 countries
Market share - US 15%, EU 20%, Asia pacific over 75% Image
Read 37 tweets
Aug 16th 2019
What is the cost of #charging in the #NHS?
“When I first saw Sara, I thought she was cuddling a baby under her cardigan and that she had brought her sick child to see us. I was terribly wrong.” Peter, GP volunteer in our clinic @Kandel_Light @MetroUK 1/4…
“It is difficult to see how the already overstretched #NHS will manage to distinguish between #EU citizens with a right to NHS care and those who will have to pay – especially as two million settled EU citizens do not have settled status paperwork yet.” #PatientsnotPassports 2/4 Image
“Hospitals and the whole #NHS will also be put under immense pressure. Hospitals are already struggling to implement the current rules, often making mistakes and denying treatment in cases where it was urgent and necessary.” 3/4 Image
Read 4 tweets
Jan 14th 2019
On Saturday’s @BBCCasualty Hebe, delayed accessing maternity care due to #NHS charges - despite concerns that her baby was in trouble. Thanks @BBC and @Surfingsunshine for highlighting that #DeterrenceIsDangerous – it was great to work with you on the script.
If @BBCCasualty were able to continue Hebe’s story, her baby would have been billed for the vital care she received at a few hours old. If Hebe couldn’t pay, she would have been reported to the Home Office. Image
This is a reality for the mothers we see in our clinic. #NHS #Charging #StillSharing #SafeBirths
Read 3 tweets

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