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May 8th 2021
Remember when #ScottyWentOnAWarFooting? (No not China, that's a different war.) This was because of his govt's inability to organise the #vaccinerollout.
It was a #ScottyFromMarketing strategy to share blame with states & look like he was DOING SOMETHING. 1/
2/ #ScottyFromDamageControl called for National Cabinet to meet three times a week. Oh, & call in someone from the Navy who's good with logistics. They'd do all the heavy lifting & sort out the #vaccinerollout. Here's a photo illustrating how this works.
3/ Then at the top of the steep hill, he could be triumphant, "I did it! All by myself!"
Except something else has happened...Or gone wrong...
Scotty isn't at the top of the #vaccinerollout hill but he's taken of his marching boots & is no longer on a war footing. 🙄
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