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Oct 24th 2018
#SaudiArabia has committed numerous human rights violations. The murder of #JamalKhashoggi is by no means the only reason why the West should consider their relationship and in particular should #StopArmingSaudi #JusticeForJamal
On 17 June 2012 @raif_badawi was arrested on the charge of “insulting Islam through electronic channels”. He had a liberal discussion forum in Saudi Arabia. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison, 1000 lashes & a fine. On 9 January 2015 he received the first 50 lashes. #FreeRaif
.@raif_badawi is still in prison in #SaudiArabia. His wife @miss9afi and his children live in Canada and are Canadian citizens. The family has not seen Raif for more than 6 years. @miss9afi campaigns tirelessly for his release. #FreeRaif #RoyalPardon4Raif…
Read 17 tweets
Oct 18th 2018
What happened to prominent journalist #JamalKhashoggi while he was abroad, has to make you ask what happens to #Saudis who aren’t prominent inside the kingdom and away from public scrutiny.…
“Talking costs you dearly now,” one Saudi academic said in August after declining to meet with a Bloomberg News reporter. #Saudi
The number of asylum-seekers from #Saudi Arabia with pending cases has more than doubled since Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman began rise to power: from 575 in 2015—the year MBS publicly began his rise to power—to 1,256 in 2017, according to the UN.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 7th 2018
Since last night:
- Saudi authorities give their students in Canada one month to leave Canada (!)
- Saudi foreign ministry saying that now Saudi Arabia has a right to "interfere in Canadian affairs"
- Saudi-owned media calling out Canada's human rights record (!)
Saudi owned @AlArabiya is calling out Canada's persecution of prisoners of conscience, pointing to the case of Holocaust denier and Nazi sympathizer Ernst Zundel (!), who hasn't been in Canada anyway since getting extradited to Germany in 2005. Also he died last year.
@AlArabiya The same Saudi-owned channel is running reports about how Canada needs to improve its prison system to bring them up to international human rights standards
Read 18 tweets

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