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Feb 10th 2022
Arguments against privatization from the political coterie show that even 3 decades since economic reforms, a significant section of India's media, political and bureaucratic class is steeped in the ideology of control. A 🧵responding to @varungandhi80's piece in @the_hindu (1/n)
.@varungandhi80 starts piece by what seems like a call 4 fiscal prudence, gets back later by stating gov has failed to raise significant funds thru privatization. Obv answer shd be to amp up prvtn, but wait the entire article argues against it.🤔 (2/n)…
He goes on to cheerypick instances from across the world in cases where the pvtn didn't lead to significant improvement in performance. What he doesn't understand is even that's a success since it's no longer a drain on public exchequer. (3/n)
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Aug 3rd 2020
Fiscal marksmanship is a problem that plagues the #budgeting process at all level of government, from #Centre to #state governments. Attention is however still focused on the #Centre, despite #states now accounting for one and a half times the spending of the #Centre. (1/n)
This @IDFCinstitute working paper on fiscal marksmanship by @SharmadhaS and @PrakharMisra analyses the revenue #budgets of 28 #states of 15 years to analyse why state #budget estimates often miss the actuals on the various components of their total revenues. (2/n)
Fiscal marksmanship is a structural issue cutting across all #states, whether rich or poor. A rich state like #Kerala overestimated its total revenue in all 15 years but so did #Assam in 14 out of 15 years by an average of a massive 18.18%. (3/n) Image
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