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Aug 6th 2022
Conversations between #Turtle & #MP
Few days before heading to Ireland, MP is coming home late after working all day on presentations he is invited to give @ECMP2022 in #Dublin, surprised to see his buddy slowing coming up his driveway.

MP: Hey buddy, what are you doing?

MP: It might have taken U some time to come all the way from park

Turtle: Yes doc, I heard U were heading to @TourismIreland island & wanted to join U. Since it would take me more time & I didn’t want to rush, I thought I will come over & rest behind your house till we leave
MP: What do U mean & how did U know?

TL: Well, my 3rd cousin from my mom side who lives in #WicklowMountains close to Dublin told me that you were coming there soon

MP: What, how did she know?

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