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Aug 25th 2022
#MLSRefStats Week 27
@CharlotteFC vs @TorontoFC

REF: Tim FORD - 52nd game

AR1: Jason WHITE - 172nd
AR2: Ryan GRAVES - 48th
4TH: Marcos DeOLIVEIRA - 148th
VAR: Edvin JURISEVIC - 160th
AVAR: Peter BALCIUNAS - 45th

#CLTvTOR #ForTheCrown #TFCLive
#MLSRefStats Week 27


51 g, 3.49 Y/g, 11 R, 13 pens, 23.06 F/g

HOME: 49 g, 1.65 Y/g, 5 R, 11 pens, 10.80 FC/g
AWAY: 1.80 Y/g, 6 R, 2 pens, 11.88 FC/g
HOME RECORD: 25 W - 14 D - 10 L (1.816 PPG)

#ForTheCrown #TFCLive
#MLSRefStats Week 27


15 g, 3.20 Y/g, 1 R, 5 pens, 23.13 F/g

HOME: 1.40 Y/g, 0 R, 5 pens, 10.13 FC/g
AWAY: 1.80 Y/g, 1 R, 0 pens, 13.00 FC/g
HOME RECORD: 6 W - 6 D - 3 L (1.600 PPG)

#ForTheCrown #TFCLive
Read 7 tweets
Feb 23rd 2022

2022 MLS Kit grading thread below ⬇️
Atlanta United FC: A

The color, the pattern, the message. All absolutely incredible!

The fact that this jersey is 100% sustainable fabric and the team is helping the city plant trees? So so amazing. Well done 👏 #UniteAndConquer
Austin FC: B+

The color is phenomenal, especially for an away kit. However, it’s pretty plain beside the unique color. Also wish it was more green to fit their verde color scheme. #AustinFC
Read 31 tweets
Jan 24th 2022
With some of the talk around CPL players drawing attention from MLS sides, I thought I’d take a quick look at a player that looks to be on the move to #TFClive now - Lukas MacNaughton. Image
An attribute that stands out consistently in MacNaughton’s game is his aerial ability in defensive situations. Last season, MacNaughton had 30 headed clearances, with his physicality playing a big part in that success.
This physicality also allows him to put attackers off, even when he is not able to win the header - an issue not faced all too often by MacNaughtan as he won 71.1% of his aerial duels in 2021.
Read 18 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
🇮🇹✨ Lorenzo Insigne is an entertaining player with wonderful skill, brilliant technique, and tactical intelligence.

🔴🔥 Perfect fit for the kind of fluid, free-flowing, high-tempo, entertaining, attacking style of football that Bob Bradley likes to play.

#TorontoFC #TFCLive
🇮🇹⭐ Lorenzo Insigne is the centerpiece of TFC's ambitious new project, and the team will be built around him.

Terrific technical ability. Excellent passer. Scores goals, provides assists, creates chances, combines very well, and links the phases of play together.

🇮🇹 Lorenzo Insigne is a high-volume player. He gets a lot more touches and completes a lot more passes than other wingers/attackers. He likes to shoot a lot from distance and often scores golazos, though isn't a clinical finisher. Almost every attack flows through him.

Read 5 tweets
Jan 8th 2022
Bill Manning in @TSNSoccer interview:

•"We'll let that all play out"—when asked about Belotti and Giovinco.

•TFC have interest in players on CanMNT.

•More moves coming.

•Insigne arriving in July gives TFC time to sort out DP situation.


Bill Manning says Lorenzo Insigne and his family are looking forward to a different life experience in Toronto. The schooling for his two sons, who attend an international school in Naples, is important to him. And he'll have support from the large Italian community.

Bill Manning confirmed that he worked with Lino DiCuollo and Andrea D'Amico in TFC's pursuit of Insigne. His first call was to D'Amico, with a list of targets—Insigne at the top—to check if they would be interested. DiCuollo, former MLS VP, is now an advisor to Manning.

Read 4 tweets
Jan 8th 2022
🇮🇹💫 Lorenzo Insigne sensational goal for Italy vs Belgium in EURO 2020 quarterfinal.

⚽️🔥 World class goal. World class player.

#Insigne #TorontoFC #TFCLive

🇮🇹⚽️ Lorenzo Insigne stunning goal for Italy!

🔥🔥 Tremendous technique on the full volley from the edge of the box, off a corner kick.

#Insigne #TorontoFC #TFCLive

🇮🇹⚽️ Lorenzo Insigne brilliant instinctive goal for Napoli vs Real Madrid in the Champions League.

#Insigne #TorontoFC #TFCLive

Read 5 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
Bob Bradley doesn't like the word franchise: "For me, it's something like McDonald's."

A club is different:

"A club has a real heart and soul that starts with the connection with the city. That's absolutely about the connection with the fans."

Bob Bradley:

"I had an idea through Michael and Jeff of everything inside TFC. But having been here now for some weeks, it's been just awesome to get to know people. Seeing that commitment and passion every day, that's important to me. That's important to a club."

Bob Bradley

"One thing I've always tried with my players and certainly with my family is your ability to look around you and have perspective of other people, other people who don't look like you, who come from different situations, who in some cases aren't as fortunate as you."
Read 5 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
👀 Andrea D'Amico was the intermediary for Toronto FC in the Insigne negotiations. He now says TFC was focused on Insigne as their main target, but they also have 5 or 6 other targets and will soon start working on more signings.


[via @cmdotcom]…

"We were focused on closing Insigne's operation, but the club has 5 or 6 targets, we'll soon start working on others. I haven't talked to the club yet, but I have an institutional relationship with them that is not limited to only this deal."


[via @cmdotcom]
Andrea D'Amico on Toronto FC signing Lorenzo Insigne:

"The club had several targets, but Lorenzo was the main one. For his role, his qualities, and for having won the European Championship with Italy."


[via @cmdotcom]
Read 5 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
🇮🇹©️ Lorenzo Insigne vs Juventus:

86 touches
5 chances created
3 shots (all outside the box)
60/64 (94%) passes
4/5 long balls
2/4 dribbles
4 duels won
2 interceptions
6 ball recoveries

🔴 Good performance by the future Toronto FC player.

#JuveNapoli #InsigneWatch #TFCLive Image
🇮🇹©️ Lorenzo Insigne was one of the best players on the pitch. Involved in buildup to goal, most chances created (5), third-most touches (86), and completed 94% (60/64) of his passes.

🔴 Toronto FC get a terrific footballer, still performing at high level.

#JuveNapoli #TFCLive Image
Perfect example of how Lorenzo Insigne can be very influential, even when he doesn't score or assist. The attack flows through him. Creates chances, combines very well, likes to shoot from distance, often plays the "pass before the pass" in buildup to goals.

#JuveNapoli #TFCLive ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
🇧🇷 Taquarussú EC | Toronto FC 🇨🇦

🧐 A small Brazilian club from the state of Tocantins has copied Toronto FC's logo.

#TFCLive ImageImage
🇧🇷 Taquarussú EC was founded in 1991, but only recently changed their logo to copy Toronto FC's logo.

The small Brazilian club plays in Tocantinense state leagues. This year, they have a team in the famous Copinha U20 tournament, which attracted attention to the logo.

#TFCLive ImageImageImageImage
UPDATE: Taquarussú lost 3-0 today in the Copinha U20 tournament. Even copying the Toronto FC logo couldn't save them from defeat. Image
Read 3 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
Minister Chagger is testifying to the Finance Committee on the CSSG now. Follow the fun here:…
1/ Whoa there is some big stuff here. The $19.5M was for a first 20 K participants, $10.5M was for WE, $5M was meant to be transferred to other non-profits (not clear where other $ were for). There could have been a second agreement of similar size if the first 20K got places
2/ This would have been to cover a second 20K students. But this makes ZERO sense. With only 40k participants, max the program could have cost was $240M (40K x $5000 in payments to students + 40M admin to WE and partners). How was the other $670M to be spent?
Read 59 tweets
Jan 29th 2020
After enduring a lot of sugar induced hangovers, expensive bar tabs and Excel nightmares, I have now officially tried enough spiked seltzer’s to pair them with every MLS team. Obviously this is very important information and the thread will begin once the EmergeC kicks in...
Before beginning, I would like to note that these are simply my opinions and are not endorsements for any of these brands whatsoever. Anyone who find these pairings inaccurate or wants to complain can email me here: getovrurselfnerd@babywahwah.cry
Atlanta United- Oskar Blues Wild Basin Cucumber Peach: undeniable flavor and super refreshing by all measures. Easily one of the best out there. #UniteAndConquer
Read 29 tweets

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