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Jan 25th 2023
The TLS Handshake:

Everything that happens between YOU and the WEBSITE you are visiting in order to get that coveted padlock. 🔒

Explained in a Twitter thread. 🧵

#ssl #tls #cybersecurity
As we go through this, keep in mind the goal of SSL / TLS:

A Client (your web browser) connects to a Server (a web site).

TLS does two things:

✅ Makes sure the Server is really who they say they are
✅ Establish Session Keys to protect the ensuing data transfer

Each record in the image is labeled with a number (1-10). This number is used as a reference in the explanations below.

Before we get into the Handshake itself, we have to briefly mention two things:

Read 41 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
Here begins a fun thread of the finished lightboards that we make together during the ϟ Enlightning stream. ♫

Also- a big THANK YOU to all who come out to watch ϟ Enlightning, and also to those who take the time to watch the recording. I appreciate you.

What is a Small Batch Loop? Featuring guest @cote Image
Dockerfiles Vs. Cloud Native Buildpacks featuring guest @ciberkleid Image
Read 33 tweets
Jul 23rd 2021

A partir das 08h, ao vivo na Globo, SporTV e BandSports!
#Tokyo2020 #JogosOlímpicos
20 MINUTOS! Bruno e Ketleyn já estão no preparo!

📸 Christian Dawes/COB
Read 101 tweets
Mar 5th 2020
We’re proud to present our #preprint, where we induce embryo-like morphogenesis in #gastruloids, resulting in the generation of trunk-like-structures (#TLS) with #somites flanking the #neuraltube @MPI_MolGen w/ @adrianobolondi . A short summary (1/12)…
#Gastruloids are a fantastic culture system, but lack proper morphogenesis, e.g. neural cells do not form a neural tube and presomitic mesoderm does not condense into somites. Can we induce proper embryo-like morphology by mechano-chemical manipulation? Yes, we can! (2/12)
Embedding 96h #gastruloids in 5% #matrigel resulted in trunk-like-structures, with somites flanking the neural tube. Activation of WNT signaling, either alone or in combination with BMP inhibition lead to hyper-epithelialized somites arranged as a bunch of grapes (3/12)
Read 12 tweets
Mar 25th 2019
I spoke with CBCs @elisevonscheel as part of our ongoing effort to improve web security of election and campaign websites in Canada and beyond. #TLS #HTTPS…
Things are moving in the right direction, but work with my graduate student Anthony Cardillo shows almost all election websites internationally still are vulnerable to TLS stripping attacks. There's more to be done! #HSTS…
In the US, @thejoshpit has been great work raising this issue and rooting out fake candidate websites with his #electiosnbusters project. Check out his research at
Read 3 tweets

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