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Dec 21st 2021
T-Series, A Journey of Theft, Murder & more.🤯

A thread! 🧵 (1/7)

#business #TSeries
Gulshan Kumar, fruit juice vendor; to Gulshan Kumar, music industry mogul sure sounds like a fairytale journey.

But the reality is far from it. (2/7)
To remedy this cost, Gulshan exploited the lenient copyright laws that were prevalent in the country during the ’90s. (3/7)
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Nov 23rd 2021
Lovers of Hindi indie music swear by the name Lucky Ali even now. In fact, only last year, the 63-year-old had gone viral for his impromptu performance in Goa. However, even the 'O Sanam' crooner has had his fair share of letdowns. Here are more details.… Image
The singer shared on Facebook that he had worked with T-Series for his fourth album, 'Kabhi Aisa Lagta Hai' (2004). While Aslam, Ali & another lyricist wrote the words, the company credited another artist as the lyricist & according to Ali, "he was being promoted by the company." Image
Ali objected to the idea, and his album was taken off the shelves. "Aslam should have gotten his due credit," held the 'Ek Pal Ka Jeena' singer. Originally, the post said that Sameer was the artist pushed by the label. But Ali later edited his update, erasing the name. #Tseries Image
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Jun 14th 2020
Celebs posting on #SushantSinghRajput plz STFU.I rmbr way back when Dhoni released,actor Rajat Kapoor made a nasty comment on Twitter on Sushant’s looks.Kareena on a chat show openly advised Sara not to date him.
Many celebs on Koffee with Karan made a face when they were asked to ‘rate’ Sushant on hotness/as an actor.KWK is all about being mean and nasty & most of these celebs have appeared on that show. So stop lecturing ppl on how the world needs kindness.
Bollywood, this has happened in the past,it will happen again. It gives you guys joy to see other fail, you mock at them, diss them under the pretext of a fun chat show/interview. Just f**k off you guys. You killed him. You all did.
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