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Oct 16th 2021
With the recent passing of Āgha-ye Ḥasanzādeh Āmulī, mention was made of his teacher Mīrzā Abūʾl-Ḥasan Shaʿrānī (1903-1973) whom most Iranians know through his translation of the Qurʾan - a 🧵
In terms of his scholarly family background, his father was a descendant of Fatḥollāh Kāshānī, author of the 16th century #QurʾanExegesis Manhaj al-ṣādiqayn, and his maternal grandfather was Navvāb-e Tehrānī, author of the literary Shiʿi martyrology Fayż al-dumūʿ 1/
Shaʿrānī trained in the seminary, first at the Madrasa-ye Khān Marvī with important philosophers such as Mīrzā Mahdi Āshtiyānī (1888-1953), one of the first to teach university students as well, and Mīrzā Maḥmūd Qummī (d. 1925), a specialist on the school of #IbnʿArabī 2/
Read 23 tweets
Apr 5th 2020
This intriguingly titled book on the #Shii nature of #IbnArabi is by Muhammad Hasan Vakili (b. 1980) a young mullah based in #Mashhad who defends Sufism and is associated with the school of #HusayniTihrani #ShiiSufism 1/ his own bio on his site makes major claims for him as a heir to the school of #HusayniTihrani which convinced him to go to the #hawza in #Mashhad 2/
Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husayni Tihrani (1926-1995) is one of the more interesting and prolific writers on #ShiiSufism especially his biography of the Karbala based ‘mystic’ Sayyid Hashim Haddad (1900-1984) and on his own teacher ‘Allama Tabatabai (1899-1981) 3/
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