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May 19th 2023
#BREAKING: In response to execution of three political prisoners by #Iran's Islamic Regime, Iranians all around the country are protesting against this regime tonight. Video of one of these protests in Gowhardasht, #Karaj tonight:
Video from Pounak neighbourhood in NW of #Tehran shows anti-regime protest in response to execution of three political prisoners by #Iran's Islamic Regime. Protesters chant "Akhoonds (Shiite clerics) must get lost".
People are burning banners and posters containing images of dictator supreme leader, Ali #Khamenei in #Iran tonight in protest to execution of three political prisoners.
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Feb 15th 2023
Eigentlich wollten die jungen Revolutionäre aus #Mashhad nur Flyer verteilen, aber da sie schon da waren, riefen sie: „Tod dem Diktator!“ & gaben einen kleinen Vorgeschmack auf morgen! (via @Iran_News_2023)


Gestern Abend in #Izeh: Junge Revolutionäre zünden ein Seminargebäude an und erwähnen #KianPirfalak und seinen Regenbogengott. "Es lebe die Freiheit" ... 🔥❤️‍🔥🔥

Erneut in #Izeh, gestern Abend: 🔥❤️‍🔥🔥

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Dec 3rd 2022
The #Mashhad Neighborhood Youth issued further instructions for the planned protests on December 5-7. Read today's update from @criticalthreats and @TheStudyofWar:… (1/7) Image
The behavior of the #Mashhad Neighborhood Youth suggests that it may be more coordinated and organized than some other youth groups in the protest movement. (2/7) #IranProtests2022
Anti-regime outlet #IranInternational published an article suggesting that the regime is struggling to shore up the necessary equipment and manpower to continue its protest crackdown. (3/7)
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Nov 3rd 2022
Iran is signaling its readiness to attack Saudi Arabia and possibly Erbil ostensibly in retaliation for the Shiraz attack but primarily for the alleged role of the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia in stoking protests. Todays update from CTP & @TheStudyofWar:…
An #Iranian proxy Telegram channel recirculated the Iran International report claiming that the regime flew around 150 proxy fighters from #Baghdad to #Mashhad to suppress protests. (2/7)
At least 22 protests took place in 14 cities across nine provinces. (3/7)
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Oct 21st 2022
Top adviser to #Iran's #Khamenei calls for reopening of #Saudi, Iranian embassies six years after elements in #Basij and #IRGC paramilitaries stormed and burned #KSA missions in #Tehran and #Mashhad. /1…

via @GoogleNews
In Aug 2020, a former Iranian lawmaker Ali Motahari accused #Iran government of alienating Arab countries and cited the example of the burning of #Saudi embassy in #Tehran and the Saudi consulate in #Mashhad. /2
In 2020, #Iran appointed one of the masterminds of the 2016 attack on the #Saudi embassy in #Tehran as the head of the cultural committee of Iran’s Judo Federation. /3…
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Oct 9th 2022
#Iran: riot police were smashing up cars in #Mashhad today in a hunt for anti-regime protesters.

#Iran: anti-regime protest are taking place at the Amirkabir University in #Tehran.

#Iran: anti-regime protests and road blocks tonight in #Mahabad (#WestAzerbaijan)
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Oct 3rd 2022
È il primo discorso pubblico dallo scoppio delle proteste in #Iran per la morte di #Mahsa_Amini, quello di Ali #Khamenei.
Ma non è quello che ci si attenderebbe da un leader navigato. La Guida Suprema appare
disconnessa dalla realtà del Paese: un paradosso per colui che vorrebbe disconnettere l'Iran dal mondo intero. Il suo racconto è vecchio, flaccido e inaccettabile per la gente che chiede l'impronunciabile: il regime change in #Iran. E la sua testa, dunque. No, non sarà
accusando "l'America e l'usurpatore regime sionista, così come i loro mercenari e alcuni iraniani traditori all'estero", che il Grande Ayatollah sederà le proteste per la morte di Mahsa Amini, la 22enne uccisa dalla polizia "morale" (continuerò ad usare sempre le virgolette)
Read 14 tweets
Sep 21st 2022
Day five of anti-regime protests in #Iran.

It's getting crazy.
#Iran: Iranian students write the name #MahsaAmini everywhere across the country to make sure people don't forget her name.
#Iran: protesters in the city of #Abhar are burning their mandatory hijabs.
Read 17 tweets
Sep 21st 2022
#BREAKING: Anti-regime protests continues for the fifth day all over #Iran over murder of #MahsaAmini by morality police of the regime. This video recorded a few minutes ago shows the protest in city of #Amol, North of #Iran.
#BREAKING: In several cities of #Iran including #Sardasht in west of the country, snipers of #Iranian Police are positiooned over the roof tops of the buildings to kill the protesters tonight. Protesters filmed one of them secretly.
#BREAKING: People in city of Gonbad-Kavus in North of #Iran have started their anti-regime protest. Today is the fifth day of nationwide protests across #Iran over murder of #MahsaAmini.
Read 100 tweets
Sep 20th 2022
#Iran. Il regime di #Tehran ha forse sottovalutato gli effetti prodotti da anni di angherie e corruzione. La morte di #MashaAmini, la 22enne picchiata a morte dagli agenti della "polizia morale" (MILLE virgolette), per non aver indossato correttamente il velo, rischia di Image
trasformarsi nel classico fiammifero acceso nella polveriera.
Ormai da giorni vanno avanti le proteste in diverse città iraniane. Oggi è stata immortalata una scena impensabile fino a pochi giorni fa: una donna si è tolta il velo e ha tagliato i suoi capelli davanti alla
folla inneggiante: "Morte al dittatore!", #Khamenei.
In alcune città 🇮🇷, le comunità si riuniscono attorno al fuoco e le donne incendiano il velo tra gli applausi dei presenti (uomini inclusi). Sono scene potentissime. Sono una sfida al regime di #Tehran con pochi precedenti.
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Sep 20th 2022
#BREAKING: Today is the fourth day of Nationwide protests against #Iranian regime over murder of #Mahsa_Amini. This video shows one of the several street protests in #Tehran. 22 years old #MahsaAmini was murdered by Morality Police over not covering her hair in public!
Hevay presence of security forces including Special Forces of #Iranian Police in #Tehran prevented formation of large anti-regime protests ovcer murder of #MahsaAmini today.
#BREAKING: Despite #Iranian regime has prevented protests to killing of #MahsaAmini in several cities of #Iran, but people of #Hamedan have come to streets of their city to protest the regime. Video is recorded a few minutes ago. 👇
Read 29 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
Per quoted /
"Pruma" mall in #Mashhad city of #Iran has been evacuated due to a bomb threat, EOD is on the scene, yet no explosions happened. Image
Another image showing the intense presence of security forces.

[Watermark is annoyingly big!] Image
All clear given.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 16th 2020
#manuscripts #ShiiLaw this is a collection of the works of Shaykh Luṭfullāh al-Maysī (d. 1032/1622) MS Kitābkhānah-yi Burūjirdī in Qum 255 1/ Image
Shaykh Luṭfullāh was a jurist in the age of Shāh ʿAbbās and is perhaps best known to posterity through his mosque in the Maydan-e naqsh-e jahān in #Isfahan 2/ Image
Shaykh Luṭfullāh was born in Mays in Jabal ʿĀmil (southern Lebanon) and migrated with his grandfather Ibrāhīm to the Safavid realms and #Mashhad where he studied and where he was appointed briefly as a custodians of the endowments associated with the shrine 3/
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Aug 4th 2020
#manuscripts MS King Abdul Aziz Library Riyadh 906 #IslamicPhilosophy Mawdih al-diraya Li-sharh bab al-hidaya of Ibn Abi Jumhur al-Ahsa’i (d. 909/1503) 1/ ImageImageImage
IAJ was a prolific author in theology #fiqh philosophy on the cusp of the #Safavid period and there is a Institute devoted to publishing his work based in al-Ahsa headed by Sayyid ‘Ali al-Musa 2/ ImageImage
His best known works are his massive al-Mujli a combination of insights from #Shii #kalam #Avicennism #IshraqiPhilosophy and the #Sufism of #IbnArabi 3/ ImageImage
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Jun 12th 2020
Daryush Shayegan reports that when Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005) was visiting Iran, he suggested a visit to the shrine of #ImamReza in #Mashhad to experience the ‘mysterium tremendum’ of religion - a thread on #Ricoeur in #Iran will be posted on the weekend ImageImageImage
Shayegan mentioned this in his book of conversations with Ramin Jahanbegloo 1a/ Image
Here is the passage 1b/ Image
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Apr 17th 2020
Sayyid Jalalodin Ashtiyani (1925-2005) is probably one of the best exponents of the philosophy of #MullaSadra in recent history and the #Mashhad daily #Shahrara has a current special weekly supplement on him… 1/
Ashtiyani collaborated with Henry Corbin on an influential four volumes of philosophical texts from 1600-1800 in #Iran ashtiyani.irهمکاری-استاد-اشتیانی-وکربن
He not only edited texts but published an important volume in #existence in #MullaSadra as well as the #Avicennian and #mystical traditions and an intellectual biography of #MullaSadra #IslamicPhilosophy 3/ ashtiyani.irشرح-حال-و-آراي-فلسفي-ملاصدرا/
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Apr 12th 2020
#Intisharat_e_mawla published the works of Muhammad Husayn Fazil-e Tuni (1880-1960), a famous teacher of Arabic literature and philosophy in #Tehran whose students include Javadi Amoli, Hasanzadeh Amoli as well as the historian of Persian literature Zabihollah Safa (1911-1999)1/ ImageImageImageImage
After studies in Arabic literature, grammar and rhetoric at Madrasa-ye Navvab #Mashhad, he moved #Isfahan where he studied with Jahangir Khan Qashqai (1827-1910), Shaykh 'Abdullah Gulpayigani & Mirza Muhammad Husayn Fisharaki (d. 1932) the latter students of Akhund Khurasani 2/ ImageImage
with Qashqai for 6 years, he studied the #Manzume of #Sabzavari (d. 1879), the #Shifa' of #Avicenna (d. 1037), and the #Tamhidalqawaid of #IbnTurka (d. 1432), a text that was emerging in the later #Qajar period as a tool for teaching philosophical mysticism #Irfan 3/ ImageImage
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Apr 5th 2020
This intriguingly titled book on the #Shii nature of #IbnArabi is by Muhammad Hasan Vakili (b. 1980) a young mullah based in #Mashhad who defends Sufism and is associated with the school of #HusayniTihrani #ShiiSufism 1/ his own bio on his site makes major claims for him as a heir to the school of #HusayniTihrani which convinced him to go to the #hawza in #Mashhad 2/
Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husayni Tihrani (1926-1995) is one of the more interesting and prolific writers on #ShiiSufism especially his biography of the Karbala based ‘mystic’ Sayyid Hashim Haddad (1900-1984) and on his own teacher ‘Allama Tabatabai (1899-1981) 3/
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Mar 16th 2020
#BREAKING: Extremists who are mostly #IRGC's #Basij militiamen just broke the doors of Masoumeh's shrine in #Qom to pray there. Due to the fact that these radicals were licking the shrine, #Iran's Ministry of Health had ordered closure of the shrine due to #CoronaVirus outbreak.
Before breaking the door, they could be seen in front of the main door of shrine protesting the Ministry of Health of #Iran's Islamic Regime over closure of the Masoumeh shrine. The #Iran's religious minority who mostly support the regime played key role in spreading #CoronaVirus
The religious extremists who are mostly #Basij militiamen can be seen singing religious song before breaking door of Masoumeh Shrine.At-least half of them are infected with #CoronaVirus/#COVID19 but none of them has face mask. They think if someone dies it is because of his sins!
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Feb 26th 2020
#Sufism Mu’ayyad al-Din Jandi (d. C. 1300) best know probably for being a commentator on #FususalHikam and link between #Qunawi and #Kashani work produced by renowned editor Najib Mayil Hiravi 1/ Image
ToC work was written for a scholarly Sufi woman in Sinope 2/ ImageImageImage
Part one is on #SufiMetaphysics on the nature of God, the cosmos and the mediating reality of the #PerfectHuman #insan_kamil 3/
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Jan 5th 2020
Bodies of slain General #Solemani & comrades arrive in #Ahwaz, Iran. A mammoth funeral procession has kicked off. Images of hundreds of thousands mourners packing the streets, bridge & square, is colossal.
.2/ Images of procession of #Soleimqni from #Ahwaz
images via @AlMayadeenLive
.3/ This is only in #Ahwaz, southwest of #Iran & the first leg of #Solaimani’s funeral procession. I can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like once they arrive to the capital #Tehran.
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Dec 29th 2019
Breaking: #US Airstrikes on Hashd al-Shaabi Forces West of al-Anbar

According to reports, the US warplanes have targeted the positions of the 45th Brigade of Hashd al-Shaabi in the al-Mazraah area on the road to Akashat, west of Anbar province.…
The #US terrorist command in the region, #CENTCOM releasing a statement said that they attacked five positions of Kata’ib Hezbollah forces in Iraq and Syria.…
First images from the one of the bases which targeted by the #US warplanes
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Nov 15th 2019
#BREAKING: #Iran's Islamic Regime raised fuel price to compensate its lack of oil income. It resulted quick raise in prices of all goods in 24 hours. Since morning, thousands of Iranians have come to streets of their cities to protest against the regime authorities. #IranProtest
#BREAKING: Thousands of protesters in #Sirjan, South of #Iran are protesting against the Islamic Regime over the rise of prices of fuel. They chant: "#RezaShah, God Bless Your Soul". #IranProtests
#BREAKING: Hundreds of protesters have come to streets of #Mashhad to protest against #Iran's Islamic Regime over the rise of price of fuel. They have switched-off their cars in street to prevent mobilization of the security forces for suppression of the protesters.
Read 47 tweets

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