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Sep 4th 2019
APS CEO Don Brandt is testifying before the @CorpCommAZ. Clean energy advocates are outside demanding they put #PeopleOverProfits.

Here are some questions to consider: Image
#DonBrandt: Why did you refuse until recently to acknowledge the millions of dollars Pinnacle West spent on #darkmoney campaigns and elections? cc: @apsFYI #AZ #PeopleOverProfits
.@_JustinOlson, can you ask #DonBrandt: Electricity disconnections by APS grew nearly 50% in 5 years. For the 3rd consecutive year, heat deaths are on the rise in Maricopa Cty. What is your company doing to make sure there are no more deaths? #PeopleOverProfits
Read 8 tweets
Sep 3rd 2019
This is a great analysis by the @ArizonaMirror.

As APS CEO Don Brandt appears before the @CorpCommAZ for the first time in YEARS, here are 3 of many questions the commissioners should consider -- 1/5
#DonBrandt: You spend tens of millions to reach everyone in #AZ when it comes to opposing #solar. Yet when it comes to educating customers on rate plans, your efforts fall short. Why can’t you bring the same energy to customer service as you do to opposing #renewableenergy? 2/5
#DonBrandt: Utilities across the west like @SRPconnect,@idahopower, @NVEnergy, @XcelEnergyCO, and @PNMtalk have all set strong goals to reduce #carbonemissions. When can we expect a similar commitment from @apsFYI? #AZ #TakingBackourPower 3/5
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