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Jan 30th 2023
Statement from Govt this evening on #NursingHomesGate. Seems they paid out €480m under one heading but that was, according to Mail, less than 10% of estimated liability. Curious that not one single claim made it to an open court, consistent with concealment strategy. Image
It's a red herring about the origination date of the legal strategy, whether it was 2002, 2007 or 2011, fact is, it was continued throughout the last decade.
If it's true that 300,000 people were affected by govt failings on providing nursing home care, then the payout of €480m equates to €1600 per person. That really looks unrealistically low.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 8th 2022
🏛️ In the Dáil today, Tuesday 8 November… (🧵)
14.00 - Leaders’ Questions

Micheál Martin is away at COP27 but someone (possibly the Tánaiste) will deputise to take questions from…
🟩 Sinn Féin
🟥 Labour
⬜️ Regional Group of Inds
⬜️ Rural Independent Group
14.34 - Order of Business

It’s that moment where TDs usually complain about the rest of the week’s agenda! Followed by party leaders and ten other TDs getting to ask questions about current, forthcoming or potential plans for Govt to address matters of concern.
Read 12 tweets
Jan 9th 2020
Thread. @ICCLtweet joined #TonightVMTV yesterday to discuss the #PublicServicesCard.

The Minister also appeared and said it's "difficult to have a conversation with people when they don’t even know the facts.”

Respectfully, we know the facts.…
@ICCLtweet The Minister said “Of course they have a choice” (5.52) about the PSC.

Fact: Our right “to access an ever-increasing range of public services has, in effect, been made conditional upon production of a PSC” (DPC,…, at p21)

What kind of "choice" is that?
@ICCLtweet Many have reported their lack of choice regarding the #PSC. Remember:

The person denied a pension.…

The teacher denied benefits after breaking her ankle.…

The firefighter denied a passport.…
Read 7 tweets

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