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Jun 5th 2020
IMPORTANT: In coming weeks, as #COVID19 numbers stay high (or rise) in many states, @realdonaldtrump may try to blame it on #BlackLivesMatter protests. As an ER doc, I can tell you it’s a stunt designed to evade accountability & should be refuted ASAP. Here are the facts: 1/8
We’re seeing a spike in cases of #COVID19 in AR, AZ, CA, MA, NC, NH, NV, OK, SC, TN, UT, and WA.And FL saw the most cases in 1 day this week. The cause? The rushed & reckless #reopeningofAmerica pushed by @realDonaldTrump while failing to implement a national testing program. 2/8
Reopening may help the president’s jobs numbers, and it’s certainly understandable Americans are growing impatient. But we need to do it responsibly, or cases will rise. And we must have a #TraceandTest program in place. Many docs & public health experts warned about this. 3/8
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