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Oct 18th 2020
“We denounce, in the strongest possible terms, the acts of violence perpetrated by anyone against #Mikmaw harvesters pursuing their rights, & likewise denounce any claim that such actions are justified in the name of conservation”
- Dalhousie Biologists
@RussDiabo @MarkRuffalo
Here is Dalhousie University Biology Department’s Full Statement Condemning Violence against #Mikmaw fishers exercizing their #TreatyRights to #ModerateLivelihood

@living_oceans @DalVPR @DeepSainiUC @Ruth_HHopkins @350 @wurm @dalfacultyassoc
| Dalhousie Department of Biology Stands with Mi’kmaw Fishers |


Here is Dalhousie University Biology Department’s FULL STATEMENT Condemning Violence against #Mikmaw fishers exercizing their #TreatyRights to #ModerateLivelihood
Read 5 tweets
Oct 17th 2020
#TreatyRights are essential part of Canadian #RuleofLaw
#MikMaq #Mikmaw #SipeknekatikStrong

From ⁦@SenSincmurr
Former Justice, Former Chair Truth & Reconciliation Commission

@SenatorWanda⁩ ⁦@KPateontheHill⁩ ⁦@cblackst
“Prime Minister, If the government, police & courts will not enforce the laws for all Canadians, who will?”
#MikMaq #Mikmaw #SipeknekatikStrong

From @SenSincmurr
Former Justice, Former Chair Truth & Reconciliation Commission

@SenatorWanda @KPateontheHill @cblackst
“I am extremely disappointed in the Government failure to uphold Mi’kmaq constitutional rights”

“Now is the time for action”
#MikMaq #Mikmaw #SipeknekatikStrong

From @SenSincmurr
Former Justice, Former Chair Truth & Reconciliation Commission

@KPateontheHill @cblackst
Read 4 tweets
Oct 16th 2020
Thanks @thesmacleodshow for tackling this under-reported issue .

As EAC explained, Clearwater has 6,500 traps on one gigantic boat (used to be 8,000), while Indigenous fishers have 50 traps.

Other than you, MSM seems to be ignoring Risley’s plundering via offshore fishery. Image
Here’s a Paul Withers story from Jan. 2019.

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) says the practice poses a "serious conservation risk" because lobster and other species can be unintentionally caught. @DFO_MAR…
Read 7 tweets
Oct 16th 2020
Enough is enough. Settlers of Mi’kmaq territory you should be ashamed. I am ashamed of all the racialized settlers who remain silent. We have come to this land with the audacity to think that it is ours?!? It is NOT. This is UNCEDED UNSURRENDERED MI’KMAQ TERRITORY. #Mikmaki 1/5
EVERY benefit we reap from this land is due to the Mi’kmaq nations generosity. WE ARE IN DEBTED TO THEM! THE LEAST YOU CAN DO IS SAY SOMETHING ABOUT ABOUT THE WHITE SUPREMACIST TERRORISM THAT IS HAPPENING IN Saulnieville. #ModerateLivelihood #Mikmaki 2/5
Why so silent as you watch white supremacy manifest? Because you benefit off of it. You benefit off of violating Mi’kmaq rights. I am a displaced #pashtun born/raised in #Mikmaki . my oral code taught me abt the love, care and solidarity I am to have with Mi’kmaq people 3/5
Read 5 tweets

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