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Jul 20th 2021
Pushing the Frontiers of Space: Difference Between Private Space Flights of @virgingalactic and @blueorigin…

- By Arunita Banerjee (@Arunita_13)

(📸: Twitter/IANS) Image
On Tuesday, July 20, 2021, the founder of Amazon, @JeffBezos, is all set to fly to the edge of space along with three others, aboard his company @blueorigin's New Shepard rocket.
Surpassing the #troposphere and #stratosphere, the space flights of @blueorigin will fly to the edge of space, about 100 km above the Earth’s mean sea level—the Karman line, also called the ‘edge of space’. Image
Read 14 tweets
Sep 12th 2020
Scientists at the Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), an autonomous institute under @IndiaDST estimated turbulence parameters in the lower troposphere over the central #Himalayan region for the first time Image
The researchers have calculated the magnitude of refractive index structure (Cn2), a constant that represents the strength of the atmospheric turbulence using observation from their #Stratosphere #Troposphere #Radar (S T Radar)
Proper and timely information of the higher values of the atmospheric turbulence parameters and understanding of time and space distribution of turbulence structure in the #Troposphere could help improve performance of numerical #weather prediction and climate models Image
Read 3 tweets
Mar 19th 2019
[#Parution] 2011 > Le #climat à découvert avec #SandrineBony via @CNRSEd #LaMethSci
2016 > Changement climatique : l’état des connaissances scientifiques avec @fmbreon #LaMethSci
[#Vidéo] 2018 > #SandrineBony, médaillée d’argent du #CNRS 2018 #LaMethSci
Read 29 tweets

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