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Mar 16th 2023
Robust construction activity in the #Himalayan region by #India including building infrastructure across the #Himalayan region can significantly increase hazards and risks of natural disasters.
#ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency
Construction of dams, airstrips, highways, railway tracks, and buildings, and drilling of tunnels, including military activity, in this hazard-prone area, can be taken as a result of #India's geopolitical competition and rivalry.
With that, global warming is further destabilizing the ecologically fragile #Himalayan region as rising temperatures continue to melt glaciers and permafrost (permanently frozen land), having a disastrous impact on the region at large.
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Mar 4th 2022
1/n 📢🧵: The @IPCC_CH launched their new report (WG2-AR6) this week, exploring the impacts of #climate risks, #adaptation & vulnerability. Here are some insights on the key takeaways for #India.🇮🇳🌏♻️
#ClimateReport #IPCC #IPCCReport
🔗Read Asia Ch. 10 ➡️ Image
2/n #India🇮🇳 is at risk of multiple #climaticrisks, many of which are accelerating in frequency & intensity. Rising temp.🌡️are likely to cause severe heat stress in summer, esp. in cities where temp.🌡️can be more than 2℃ warmer than the surroundings due to heat island effects. Image
3/n Extreme rainfall events are projected to lead to more frequent #flooding in settlements near vulnerable rivers & flood risks across the country will become more frequent & severe. Higher than 🌏 mean sea level rise for #Asia’s coasts exposes 🇮🇳’s large coastal population. Image
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Dec 12th 2021
🧵Four by @ChawlaSwati

1/ 🚨🚨Who is a #Tibetan?🚨🚨

❓Where is #Tibet?
❓Are all Tibetans #Buddhist?
❓Do all of them revere @DalaiLama?
❓Are there Tibetans (other than #exiled pop"n) outside Tibet?
❓Do all #Tibetans identify as... erm ..Tibetan?

2/ The 11th Zurmang Trungpa (1939-87) said #Tibetan 'insiders' (ནང་པ་) share these common features:

☑️speaking some variant of Tibetan lang
☑️following #Buddhist faith
☑️eating tsampa (roasted barley flour)

Who was he?…

A handy definition, but...

3/ Let's tackle the big one first: #Tibet has long been identified as a pristine Buddhist #Shangrila.

❌Not Tibetans are Buddhist.

❌Not all Tibetan Buddhists revere the @DalaiLama in the same way.

See #himalayanhistories 🧵on #Shangrila:

Read 14 tweets
Dec 9th 2021
🧵Two by @ChawlaSwati

1/ On #Tibet in the Indian imagination:

Yesterday, we looked at how #Tibetans perceived India+ how the @DalaiLama walked in the path of many of his countrymen before him when he came into exile in India.

Let's turn the gaze in the other direction today.
2/ Indians have at least two vantage points from where to view #Tibet. Parts of #Himalayan India border Tibet👇. Thanks to older connections of religious patronage, pilgrimage, and trade, the perspective from these regions is often v. diff from the capital in New Delhi.
~SC Image
3/ Indian cities of Gaya, Sanchi+ Sarnath were imp pilgrimage sites for Tibetan Buddhists; as was Kailash Mansarovar in Tibet for Hindu+ Buddhist pilgrims from India. The imagination of an “Akhand Bharat” (Undivided India) often included #Tibet.


~SC Image
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Dec 8th 2021
🧵One by @ChawlaSwati

On the @DalaiLama & India:
1/ Many of us know that the 14th @DalaiLama has been living in #exile in #Himalayan town of #Dharamsala in northern India since 31 Mar 1959.

Why India?
Was he blazing a trail w/ his escape?

Map from @TIME (1959)
2/ Second question first: No, he wasn't.

In coming to India, the @DalaiLama trod the path of many #Tibetans before him-- traders+ aristocrats, monastics+ laity, and his predecessor, the 13th #DalaiLama, Thupten Gyatso, who had lived in exile in British India from 1910-12.

3/ Aristocratic families in #Tibet were closely tied in networks of monastic patronage, intermarriage +trade w/ eastern #Himalayan kingdoms of #Bhutan+ #Sikkim. The British Political Officer in Sikkim kept close watch on these alliances. Here he is w/ the 13th #DalaiLama👇.

Read 12 tweets
Sep 12th 2020
Scientists at the Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), an autonomous institute under @IndiaDST estimated turbulence parameters in the lower troposphere over the central #Himalayan region for the first time Image
The researchers have calculated the magnitude of refractive index structure (Cn2), a constant that represents the strength of the atmospheric turbulence using observation from their #Stratosphere #Troposphere #Radar (S T Radar)
Proper and timely information of the higher values of the atmospheric turbulence parameters and understanding of time and space distribution of turbulence structure in the #Troposphere could help improve performance of numerical #weather prediction and climate models Image
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Aug 4th 2020
#Thread How a weak EIA affects the fragile #Himalayan ecosystem? Missing from mainstream discussions, #mountains need a strong EIA policy. Sharing our first case study (with @ReDraftEIA2020) on rampant limestone and chromite mining in Mizoram.
Over a period of last 3-5 yrs, the hill state of #Manipur has witnessed a steep increase in state-sponsored #mining activities for #limestone and #chromite. The state has been assessed to be holding large reserves of these minerals. #DraftEIA2020 #HimalayanWatch
Further, the NDA govt's Act East policy has given a huge thrust to industrial activities in the entire NE region. In Manipur, several private and government players are now operating for mining of limestone and chromite minerals. The issue is, most of them are flouting EIA norms!
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Jul 5th 2020
Indian scientists have made a key finding which can help to conserve the ice mass of the western #Himalayan #glaciers, that biomass-derived carbon could be the only primary driver of carbon-induced glacier melting in this region.
The research supported by @IndiaDST, Climate Change Program Grant and Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) showed that the source of organic carbon in the glaciers of Western Himalayas is more from local biomass sources and not from fossil fuel sources.
The glaciers in the Himalaya are melting at an increased rate because of the well-established long-term increase of the near-surface temperature and due to the presence of surface impurities such as dust and organic carbon particles
@IndiaDST @serbonline
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Jun 26th 2020
Welcome back to another episode of the #WildAboutFacts series. Today, we are taking over your feed with pictures and #trivia of one of the most alluring creatures from the #wild, the #RedPanda.

Join us, share your #photographs of the #Firefox of the #Himalayas.

📷Sourav Mondal

Its distinctive fur has earned this species monikers such as #Firefox, Firecat, or Fire-coloured Cat. Arguably, the #RedPanda is the only true #Panda, as the #GiantPanda, which is believed to be closely related, belongs to the #bear family.

📷Senthil Murugan

Around half of the #RedPanda’s natural habitat lies in the Eastern #Himalayas#Nepal, #Sikkim, northern #WestBengal, #Bhutan, and #ArunachalPradesh.

Its remaining home is in northern #Myanmar and a few provinces of central #China.

📷Ramshesha N
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Jun 1st 2020
The #IndiaChina border is 3488 km long, not the LAC. The India-China border as India defines it extends eastward from the India-Afghanistan-China trijunction far west of the Karakoram pass to the India-Myanmar-China trijunction in the Eastern Sector.1/n
Which is why the border from that western trijunction to the India-Myanmar-China trijunction in the Eastern Sector is 3488 km long. Chinese refuse to discuss stretch west of #KarakoramPass which
largely covers so-called border between #PakOccupiedKashmir &Chinese #Xinjiang. 2/n
In the Chinese definition, the India-China border (their calculation of the length is obviously east of the Karakoram Pass but it has never been properly explained) is around 2000 km long. 3/n
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Jun 25th 2019
Hi, I’m Chitku 🙂 we’ve met before. This is my brother Kaachbo. We have been brought into this world by Priyanka Tolia😎 ImageImageImageImage
Around 2003, while working in Mumbai, many of her colleagues from varied Himalayan states of India, discussed frequently and naively on the needs of design interventions to create livelihood opportunities so as to push mountain industries that otherwise face isolation. ImageImageImageImage
They dreamt of opening #design studios from where they could work, expand on #Indian #Designscape – bringing forth the unique #mountain #lifestyles #philosophies on #materials & #form. Today, Chitku Design Studio is a result of such dreams…
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