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Sep 27th 2020
1/9 The beautiful irony of the #TrumpTaxReturns coming out NOW is that Trump's never-ending appeals pushed the release date back until he gave HIMSELF an early October surprise.

#CountBankruptula was surely hoping to keep them hidden until after the election.

#TrumpTaxes Image
2/9 Now we know that since 2000 there are TEN years when Trump didn't pay anything in taxes.

In all Trump paid no federal income taxes in 11 of 18 years the New York Times' reporters examined…
3/9 Now we know that Trump only paid $750 his first 2 terms while hard-working Americans paid their dues & struggled to make ends meet.

Now we know that he practiced wide-scale tax fraud based on claims of heavy losses, & he probably WAS losing heavily...…
Read 70 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
Trump’s Impeachable Offenses:

#340.) A judge has ruled that Trump’s USPS policy changes were “an intentional effort to disrupt and challenge the legitimacy” of the 2020 election and “designed to cause voter disenfranchisement.” All changes are blocked.
Trump’s Impeachable Offenses:

#341.) As we near 7 MILLION cases and surpass 200,000 DEATHS from COVID-19, Trump said: “It affects virtually nobody.” His lies and denial of science and reality are why this is now the 4th deadliest event in American history
Trump’s Impeachable Offenses:

#342.) Trump keeps saying “if he loses the election, it’s rigged.” He always accuses others of what he is doing. He’s setting the stage to contest the results. We must vote blue across the board in incontestably huge numbers.
Read 17 tweets
Aug 27th 2020
“President* Trump’s actions and language are in fact racist. Those words gave permission to white supremacists to think what they were doing was permissible… We are less safe today because of his leadership.” @NeuSummits @RVAT2020

Read 133 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
Trump’s Impeachable Offenses:

#333.) Trump colluded with Russia to steal the WH; confirmed by Michael Cohen & the @SenateGOP themselves; the group of traitors that acquitted Trump in February without holding a trial. I wonder how they’ll do in November?
Trump’s Impeachable Offenses:

#334.) The senate intel report found COLLUSION ON EVERY LEVEL between Russian intelligence officials and the Trump campaign. These assholes have been screaming “witch hunt” and “Russia hoax” for 2 years. They are all traitors
Trump’s Impeachable Offenses:

#335.) Trump had Barr meet w/ Murdoch last year to silence @Judgenap who was the only one on @FoxNews constantly calling out Trump’s violations of the law and Constitution. Utterly unconstitutional banana republic level shit.
Read 20 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
President* Trump’s attacks on our U.S. Postal Service are deliberate decisions to hurt our veterans and to hurt our seniors who depend on mail for medications and checks. VOTE EARLY. @votevets #TrumpYouLose

Every journalist should ask President* Trump @svdate’s question:

“After three and a half years, do you regret all the lying you've done to the American people?"

Does he have any regrets AT ALL?

Read 133 tweets
Jul 30th 2020
Trump’s Impeachable Offenses:

#325.) Trump confirmed he has spoken by phone to Putin 7 times since March and has never asked him about him putting bounties on the heads of US soldiers or arming the Taliban. This is dereliction of duty and perjury of oath.
Trump’s Impeachable Offenses:

#326.) Federal authorities under Trump are not just illegally arresting peaceful protesters. They’re making barring them from protesting a condition for their release. This is illegal, tyrannical, and unconstitutional.
Trump’s Impeachable Offenses:

#327.) Jared Kushner procured defective test kits from UAE & abandoned his plan to implement a national testing strategy because the virus was mostly affecting blue states. This is beyond incompetence. It’s mass murder.
Read 20 tweets

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