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Apr 5th 2021
I reached out to @MumbaiPolice @pmo @cmo @AmitShah @PawarSpeaks @NCWIndia & every politician of every party on #sanjayraut harassment issue. Nobody helped me. I won’t die like #SSR I won’t give up.I will fight.Join my fight.This hashtag is my identity #myrightmyfight Please RT. ImageImageImage
#MaharashtraGovernment is now used to murders being documented as suicides. I have already made it clear in my letter. I’m very strong. If I’m dead, it can only be a murder. #SSR was killed. He did not get a chance to say this, so I have stated my point much before the event.
I filed a writ in #HighCourt hoping that the judicial system will help. But the court does not find this issue emergency so does not come on board. If I was an actress, It would be easy. The only way left now is to fight alone with the help of public of India #myrightmyfight
Read 78 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
To all #SSRWarriors :

1. Plz dont start cursing the agencies probing the death of Sushant for the delay being caused.

2. The delay has been bcoz of the initial botch up of investigation & evidences.

3. The current investigation is being done on the FIR of abetment of suicide.
4. The drugs chat came into light & hence Narcotics had to enter in the investigation of the drugs.

5. NCB's entry does not mean the other agencies have stopped working.

6. The viscera given to AIIMS was way too less then the required quantity to carry out proper forensics.
7. There has been enough tampering of evidence and thus whatever is left with the agencies will require more time then usual.

8. Circumstantial evidences like pictures of Sushant's body, PM report inconsistency etc point at the murder angle, but the agencies do not have
Read 6 tweets

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