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Jan 27th 2021
1. @GOPChairwoman @LeaderMcConnell @GOPLeader @GOP: #GoodLuckNextTime if you, the #GOPEnablers, don't #HoldTrumpAccountable for #IncitingAMob to attack the #Capitol! Five died on 1/6. How many will die next time bc #GOPCongressMembers want to #StayInPower!
2. #GOPSenators Have you forgotten how close the #CapitolMob got to #VPPence & the #SenateChambers? #CPOGoodman saved your lives! Yet you are unwilling to hold #TrumpTheInciter accountable for his role? Here's another reminder:
3. How about this? How can #GOPSenators pretend that this never happened? If #GOPSenators don't stop #Trump from ever holding #FederalOffice again, then you're giving #TrumpTheInciter permission to do this again. As I said above: #GoodLuckNextTime!
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