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Inside the Ukrainian counteroffensive that shocked Putin and reshaped the war | Dec 29, 2022

The 2 bridges were targeted with #US -supplied #M142 #HIMARS which have a range of 50 miles - and were quickly rendered impassable.
- @kokoomus #WEF papukaija ImageImage
@kokoomus #WEF-#YGLs-#lobotomia
- Kun Isä-#Schwab'sta aika jättää, #orvot päästetään #sijaiskoti'in.
#DOJ VIDEO Shows #Capitol Police Holding Open “Upper West Terrace #Doors” On #Jan6 , While Over 250 Individuals Walk Into The Capitol
@kokoomus #DOJ VIDEO Shows #CapitolPolice Holding Open “Upper West Terrace #Doors” On #Jan6, While Over 250 Individuals Walk Into The Capitol | By Patty McMurray | Mar 1, 2023
Watch the incredible video here:
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we know there are a lot of FEDERAL AGENTS in the crowd
outset we rolled out video, we couldn’t tell who they were. that’s what we need.”

“We disproved 3 lies that they’ve been telling about #Jan6th…
🎯 PART 🎯 91 #Jan6th #Capitol 2020 ELECTION
NJ OVERTURNS 2022 ELECTION after AUDIT but no Audit for 2020 yet due to #DominionVotingMachines
Patterson Election Ruled Irreversibly Damaged
🎯 PART 🎯 92
#Jan6th #Capitol info
@SpeakerMcCarthy released
41k hours of video
#Shaman released 14mons early due to video
Read 9 tweets
#Jan6th gaslighting continues.

Let's check in on LtCol Ret. Larry Brock:

"Seize all democratic politicians and Biden key staff and select Republicans (Thune and McConnell). Begin interrogations using measures we used on Al Queda... "

h/t @ryanjreilly
2/ Here's Lt. Col Ret. Brock with a set of keys trying to enter Mike Pence's office.…
3/ Government says that Lt.Col. Ret. Brock exercised a "command presence" over groups of insurrectionists.

Oh, and he allegedly concealed the zip tie restraints he carried when #Capitol police were present.

Read 4 tweets
#DOJ VIDEO Shows #Capitol Police Holding Open “Upper West Terrace Doors” On Jan 6, While Over 250 Individuals Walk Into The Capitol | Mar 1, 2023…
Ääri-Populistisen #NATO-#kokoomus-@kokoomus'en hallusinaatio | 13.1.2021 ImageImage
@kokoomus #AugmentedReality-#LisättyTodellisuus
92% suomalaisista vastustaa #NATO-#kokoomus'ta.
- #Scytl säädöillä 6666 äänen voittoon...
#kokoomus kannatus on luisunut alaspäin koko mittausjakson ajan, Jan 2018 - Jun 2021.
Finland - National Poll Average
@kokoomus "Ei sulla mitään puomia siellä" (#Tornio), @PetteriOrpo'n kansanvallan vastaiset voimat teurastivat #Demokratian.
Omaa etuaan tavoittelevat 'kansanedustajat' uskoivat #natsi -taustaista #EU'ta, tyhjiä lupauksia viroista NWO: ssa.

(€6,6 = €2,1) miljardia Image
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Deze week las ik een boek uit 1907(!)… en daarin trof ik verrassend rake observaties aan over #elite en #volk
Want de technologische vooruitgang gaat verder, maar de menselijke aard verandert niet.
Disclaimer: Jack London (John Griffith Chaney) schreef dit in een tijd dat #socialisme nog een onbevlekt ideaal was.
De socialisten in dit boek zijn nobele ridders💪 terwijl de kapitalisten de grote schurken👿 zijn.
Maar toch: zoek de parallellen.
De kapitalistische #elite in zijn boek (blz. 37) overtuigt zichzelf het altijd bij het rechte eind te hebben.
Onze huidige elites doen het precies zo. Zij zijn superieur, zij weten het beter dan het ‘domme volk’.
Ze rechtvaardigen onrecht, want ‘het doel heiligt de middelen’.
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The sheer velocity at which SCOTUS is taking away rights & pulling the country backwards feels unprecedented.
Decades of progress wiped out overnight.

There's a lot to be angry about.

It may sound petty, but I can't forgive the big name legal scholars who assured the rest of us that we were being unnecessarily alarmist about these justices.

I hope they feel some shame.
He's right. The sum of these regressive changes is actually a brave new era of awfulness.
Read 7 tweets
Four takeaways from the sixth day of Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot hearings
@Reuters #Trump @moirawarburton…
-@RepLizCheney: General Flynn, do you believe in the peaceful transition of power in the United States of America?
-#MichaelFlynn: The Fifth
Read 122 tweets
Today's #January6th photo spread: Lonely middle aged #Seditionists and their #ProudBoys :
#IAmGenevievePeters actually adopted one of them! Image
At least she fortified herself before trying to overturn the election: Image
Not a #ProudBoy but close enough: at #SCOTUS January 4-5 Image
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The "no guns on #January6th" line keeps cropping up.

It's flat wrong.
There were plenty of guns on #January6th

"I'm the one in the video with the gun right here"

-John Emanuel Banuelos speaking to the police.

Story: @ryanjreilly… Image
And who can forget Lonnie Coffman, who brought a small arsenal to DC?

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I count six rigs with the People’s Convoy currently heading westbound on Constitution Avenue, just north of and parallel to DC’s National Mall.

Two MPD vehicles shadow the group.
So I found the source of this livestream.

US Parks Police has a helicopter flying at a low altitude, circling above this small contingent of the #PeoplesConvoy driving around the National Mall.
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EXCLUSIVE: First Hand Accounts Allege Officer #BrianSicknick Was Denied Critical Treatment By Police

One witness helped another offered life saving care

Jan. 13, 2022

Fight the censorship & algorithms: like, comment, retweet, share, follow!
Two shocking eye-witness accounts corroborate something worse than we could have ever imagined. The @CapitolPolice appear to not only be responsible for the #death of multiple #protesters (which they lied about) but also for the #death of a fellow officer, #BrianSicknick.
Read 53 tweets
Ein brisantes Datum nähert sich - am 06. Januar (übermorgen) ist der erste Jahrestag des Sturmes auf das US-Kapitol.
In #Washington werden Provokationen befürchtet.
Für Aufmerksamkeit sorgte eine Warnung von 3 US-Generälen a.D. über einen möglichen Aufstand im Jahr 2024.
Der entsprechende Artikel wurde bereits am 17.Dezember veröffentlicht, die pensionierten US-Generäle widmeten ihn aber explizit dem 6.Januar.
Darin erklären sie, im US-Militär lasse sich eine gefährliche Spaltung betrachten.
Zahlreiche Militärs seien am 06.01. dabei gewesen
Der 06.01.21 habe auch gezeigt, dass die Wahlen 2024 einen gefährlichen Punkt erreichen könnten und sprachen von einem möglichen Aufstand, auf den sich das US-Militär vorbereiten muss.
Ein "tödliches Chaos innerhalb unseres Militärs" könnte die USA in erhebliche Gefahren bringen.
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"We continue to make progress but we still have a ways to go" on countering domestic terrorism, John Cohen, in @DHSgov's Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A), tells @gwupoe & @NCITE_COE
"In some respects, the threat is more volatile than it was in June" per @DHSgov's Cohen, citing the consumption of online content placed by foreign intelligence services as well as terrorist and extremist groups
Narratives being placed online by these foreign intelligence services, other threat actors are "rapidly finding their way into the mainstream media ecosystem" per @DHSgov's Cohen
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... looking for original reporting on @JerryBrownGov selling pardons out the back door of the Capital, or have we all moved on?
Ben Swig owned Cannery Row before "selling it" to Ted Balestreri and Company. Brown was part owner

Ted Balestreri was implicated with his partner Burt Curtino of moving 20 to 40 pounds of cocaine "per delivery" in a huge 1988 Monterey County cocaine trafficking bust by @DEAHQ.
You see @cmarinucci & @Elex_Michaelson, THIS is what it looks like when you know California politics and refuse to bullshit the people - or cover for name brand pols who pull this level of corrupt crap without any pushback.

Jerry Brown, his parents partnership with Swig to Drew
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⚡DERNIERE MINUTE - #EtatsUnis : Menace à la bombe près du #Capitole à Washington. Le Congrès n'est pas en séance en cette semaine de vacances parlementaires, mais des employés fréquentent l'enceinte du bâtiment. La police entame une enquête. #CapitolHill #WashingtonDC Image
🔴 SUIVI - #EtatsUnis : "Il s'agit d'une enquête pour une menace de bombe", a précisé la police du Capitole. Le Congrès n'est pas en séance en cette semaine de vacances parlementaires, mais des employés fréquentent l'enceinte du #Capitole. #CapitolHill #WashingtonDC
🔴 SUIVI - #EtatsUnis : Photo d'un homme dans un pick-up près du Capitole prétendant avoir un engin explosif dans son véhicule. On aperçoit des billets de banque au sol. via @nirvananoir #CapitolHill #WashingtonDC Image
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Allerta Terrorismo a Washington D.C.: la polizia sta indagando sulla possibile presenza di esplosivi su un camioncino parcheggiato vicino alla Libreria del Congresso. La zona è stata evacuata. ⤵️
Anche l’edificio “Cannon House Office Building” del Campidoglio è stato evacuato.
Video: la polizia in arrivo sul posto.
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Since the #January6th #Capitol attack, US-based militia movement groups have somewhat altered their strategies. @jaredlholt and @avaniyadav_ took a look at the state of play and identified 8 trends to know about. 🧵⬇️…
@jaredlholt @avaniyadav_ The first 3 deal w/ how militia groups are organizing online. In the fallout of #January6th, many groups are splintering, dissolving, & regrouping at a smaller scale - including rebranding & using @Facebook to attract users before migrating to alternative platforms like @telegram
@jaredlholt @avaniyadav_ @Facebook @telegram Other militia groups have turned to hawking merchandise from sympathetic companies. One site, MyMilitia, uses a service called Flex Offers, offering users more than 45 affiliate links to retailers selling products likely to be popular w/ members: clothing, guns, ammo, tools, etc.
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#FBI @FBI #ChristopherWray suggests ‘serious charges’ coming in probe of #Capitol attack #Jan6th #DomesticTerrorism #Terrorism #WashingtonDC
@RepJerryNadler #Judiciary
What does #AndrewMcCabe Recall May9-Aug2,2017?#July302015- #Jan292018…
Fmr #CIADirectorBrennan @JohnBrennan
What are the #Names of people who were #UnMasked by FMR #CIAChief & #SecretaryOfState #MikePompeo @mikepompeo during his rip off the mask blitz in
late 2019, early 2020
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EXCLUSIVE: The man who rammed a car into Capitol Police, killing one, has been identified as Noah Green. Green was armed w/a large blade when he was shot dead. He identified as a follower of the black nationalist Nation of Islam movement.

FB has immediately deleted his profile.
I only had seconds to look at Noah Green's Facebook page before it was deleted. He was living in Norfolk, Va.

From what I saw, many of his posts were of a religious (Islamic) nature. He appeared to be a deeply devout follower of the Nation of Islam & went by the name, "Noah X."
Here is another photo of the deceased U.S. Capitol attacker (25-year-old Noah Green aka "Noah X") that I managed to save before Facebook deleted his entire profile. #NationofIslam #Capitol #CapitolHill
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„Law and Order“ when white people cause the threat.

You are aware of the fact that Mitch McConnell reacted the way he did 2 weeks ago (!) only because he wanted to play down the risk of domestic terror by white supremacists?

But sure. Tell me more about me being the racist.

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JUST IN: National Guard deployed at #Capitol after Car attack. 3 people in hospital include attacker and 2 Police.

Streets around building blocked, building in lockdown mode. FBI assisting:
This is much faster deployment of National Guard than the January attack where it took hours. In part because many remain in DC.

Security precautions in place but fence had been taken down recently
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