A Non-Genius Immigrant ☮️#IDissent Profile picture
Immigrated from Portugal at 8 Dad: farmer/tanner/boatyard worker Mom: clerk/farmer/stitcher/care giver Teacher Trilingual Books @AFS to Japan #StandWithUkraine
Jun 9, 2021 5 tweets 8 min read
@propublica 1. @JeffBezos also gets tax breaks from local/state govts to encourage him to locate #Amazon's facilities in their states. Since he doesn't pay a #LivingWage, the #USTaxPayers subside his employees w/#FoodStamps & w/other assistance programs! This example:
newrepublic.com/article/146540… @propublica @JeffBezos 2. @elonmusk's goal has been "to get unimaginably rich by maximally gaming the govt’s largesse." Last yr he tweeted against govt aid for individuals but he was fine w/#Tesla getting $ from the #CovidBailOut. Then there's his #Starlink. In 2020 he got @FCC
May 13, 2021 4 tweets 6 min read
@dylanmatt 1: Rest assured that this #Liberal from MA, a #DonorState, has no problem paying a little more in taxes to help those in need! What bothers me is that we in MA pay more in taxes to the #FedGov than we get back in funding! Is this fair? @dylanmatt 2: Another thing that bothers me is that the #TakerStates' politicians are OK w/the #DonorStates subsidizing their states. But they aren't very generous when we in the #DonorStates need help!
Apr 27, 2021 6 tweets 7 min read
@RickSantorum 1. Your views re: #NativeAmericans are from the perspective of the #EuropeanColonizers who believe that just bc others are different they are inferior! Educate yourself on #NativeAmerican cultures.... nbcnews.com/news/us-news/r… @RickSantorum 2. & how the Europeans butchered #IndigenousPeoples around the world! Here's another article to improve your knowledge. You need to read lots more & you can begin w/books by Howard Zinn & @CharlesCMann!
Apr 19, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
@naomirwolf 1. I'm glad that I don't shop at your market! I #WearADamMask bc I'm a #ResponsibleCitizen who cares about others! BTW I've gotten both #Pfizer shots & will continue to wear a mask bc of the #Careless #Behavior of people like you! And I doubt that lots of those who say they...... @naomirwolf 2. don't #WearADamnMask bc of a health reason really have a valid health issue! They feel that the rules don't apply to them! #Entitled! Kids need a note from a dr when they don't go to school! Adults should have a note from a dr to excuse them from wearing a mask!.....
Apr 6, 2021 13 tweets 11 min read
1.@wkamaubell @drdrew Unlike you I don’t have a @KeckMedUSC #MD but I’ve known that #Vaccines are needed to travel internationally since I was 4. In 1959 my father had several vaccines. These left scars which were noticeable until he died in 2009. I don’t have the records for... 2. these but I know how the #SalazarDictatorship worked. I’m sure that my father had to provide his vaccine records to leave #Portugal to go work in #Angola. His scars weren't enough proof. I’ve known about the #InternationalCertificateOfVaccination since I was 8 bc......
Apr 3, 2021 6 tweets 9 min read
@secupp 1. It greatly bothers me when #Reporters say that #GOPLawmakers #Privately #Complained about @MattGertz...remember they did the same for the #FormerGuy......but no one talks publicly! Perhaps if the #Lawmakers & #Journalists hadn't covered..... @secupp @MattGertz 2. for #MattGaetz, the #FormerGuy & others the #Scumbags wouldn't have done as much damage as they did. #Journalists have gotten too chummy w/the #Politicians they are suppose to report on! By hiding how #Incompetent the #FormerGuy & his staff were the #GOPLawmakers & the.....
Mar 28, 2021 4 tweets 7 min read
@PeterHotez 1. Only #DrFauci from the #FormerGuy's Covid team tried to tell the truth from the beginning. Now #BrettGiroir #StephenHahn #RobertKadlec #DeborahBirx & #RobertRedfield are speaking out on @CNN on 3/28. They are a yr & 500+K lives #TooLate!..... @PeterHotez @CNN 2. Had they cared they would have resigned in protest as soon as they knew what the #FormerGuy & his #BandOfIncompetents were up to! It was their #Duty to inform #Americans; not #Cover for the #Inept! They didn't honor their oath to the #Constiution nor this one: #FirstDoNoHarm!
Mar 26, 2021 6 tweets 11 min read
@PeteSouza 1. @GovKemp My parents brought my sister & I to this country so that we could have a better life bc #Salazar, the #PortugalsDictator limited what we #Peasants could do to improve our lives. And we also lived in fear of being arrested at any moment by the #SecretPolice, #PIDE.... @PeteSouza @GovKemp 2. It seems to me that you & the @GOP are depriving #Poor #AmericanCitizens their #RightToVote. A #TruePatriot would make it easier for ALL Americans to vote; not just the privileged! But then we know that Americans are tired of how the @GOP governs & we don't approve.....
Mar 19, 2021 10 tweets 21 min read
@SteveDeaceShow @RandPaul 1. I believe this guy who actually took the time to FINISH & RECEIVED a BA from @holy_cross....in classics with a pre-med track.... & an MD from @WeillCornell

cnn.com/videos/politic… @SteveDeaceShow @RandPaul @holy_cross @WeillCornell 2. I believe #DrFauci bc of this:
Feb 19, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
@CharlesMBlow 1. Mr. Blow: My parents taught me to treat all human beings like I want to be treated & that I am not to think I am better than any one. I immigrated from Portugal when I was 8 & "assimilated." My friends know this. When I tell new acquaintances my history they are surprised &.. @CharlesMBlow 2. tell me that I don't look POR. The majority of POR look like me: brunette w/brown eyes & a MEDIT complexion. When I point this out & ask why they think that, the person has no idea how to answer. I suspect it is bc I speak ENG like a native speaker. BTW there is a large POR...
Feb 18, 2021 6 tweets 11 min read
@GregAbbott_TX @tedcruz 1. So @tedcruz you went to #Cancun to please your daus. Did you check @CDCgov's 2/16 update for Travel During COVID-19? "CDC recommends that you do not travel at this time. Delay travel and stay home to protect yourself and others from COVID-19." It seems to me that your.... @GregAbbott_TX @tedcruz @CDCgov 2. 1st #Responsibility as a father is to #Protect your daus. Did you protect them when you chose to travel to #Mexico or did you endanger them? Perhaps @TexasDFPS should investigate. As a #USSenator shouldn't you be a role model by adhering to....

Feb 15, 2021 6 tweets 10 min read
@AmerIndependent @RepNancyMace
1. For years I’ve had to go thru a #MetalDetector every time I’ve entered a #FedBldg. Apparently there is a law that prohibits Americans from bringing guns into a #FedBldg. Doesn’t the #US Capitol qualify as a #FedBldg?
law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18… @AmerIndependent @RepNancyMace 2. It’s my understanding that this law was put in place to protect #FedEmployees. I’ve been screened numerous times when I’ve been called for #JuryDuty or when I’ve had to go to the local #SocialSecurity office. One time I had a 4 inch nail scissors in my pocketbook when I went..
Feb 12, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
1. @JoeNBC @morningmika @Morning_Joe Former teacher here: Once again everyone wants to put in their 2 cents w/o input from those who have to deal w/implementing the policies. You, the politicians, the parents, the scientists, the doctors et al want #AmericanSchools to #Reopen! 2. You need to consider that most school bldgs are more than 50 yrs old. A local HS built circa 1970 has narrow slit like windows that don't open. So much for #Ventilation! #Classrooms are small & don't allow for social distancing. This is further complicated by having....
Feb 8, 2021 7 tweets 12 min read
@FrankBruni 1. These people are unbelievable & they’re #InCharge? Either they don’t know our laws or they think that they’re #AboveTheLaw! Americans can’t enter a #FedBldg w/o going thru a #MetalDetector! I’ve been screened numerous times thru the yrs. @mtgreene:
law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18… @FrankBruni @mtgreene 2. Once I had a 4 inch nail scissors in my pocketbook when I went to my local #SocialSecurity office. I wasn’t allowed to take it past security. I had to leave it with #Security until I finished my business in the building. I’ve also had to go thru a #MetalDetector when....
Feb 4, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
@GOPLeader 1. "I think it would be helpful if you could hear exactly what she told all of us. Denouncing Q-on, I don't know if I say it right, I don't even know what it is," McCarthy told reporters on Wednesday....@GOPLeader needs a little reminder:

msn.com/en-us/news/pol… @GOPLeader 2. And in case the above doesn't help you, here's this interesting article:
Jan 27, 2021 6 tweets 8 min read
1. @GOPChairwoman @LeaderMcConnell @GOPLeader @GOP: #GoodLuckNextTime if you, the #GOPEnablers, don't #HoldTrumpAccountable for #IncitingAMob to attack the #Capitol! Five died on 1/6. How many will die next time bc #GOPCongressMembers want to #StayInPower! vimeo.com/504444733 2. #GOPSenators Have you forgotten how close the #CapitolMob got to #VPPence & the #SenateChambers? #CPOGoodman saved your lives! Yet you are unwilling to hold #TrumpTheInciter accountable for his role? Here's another reminder:
Jan 25, 2021 4 tweets 9 min read
@nytimes 1. @SenWarren @EdMarkey #Murdoch is a #NaturalizedCitizen. He doesn't give a damn about our country! He's only ever cared about increasing his #Wealth. He & @FoxNews sow #Hate & #Division! I honor the #NaturalizationOathOfAllegiance I took in 1968 when I was 14 yrs old. @nytimes @SenWarren @EdMarkey @FoxNews If I broke my oath as a #USNaturalizedCitizen, I suspect that I would be stripped of my citizenship & deported! The #Murdochs et al are promoting #Sedition & #Insurrection! Strip the #Murdochs of their #NaturalizedCitizenship & #DeportTheMurdochs! #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw!
Jan 13, 2021 4 tweets 7 min read
@RepSteveStivers 1. Did you tell @CapitolPolice that a #MetalDetector is #Unconstitutional? Why is it that #WeThePeople have had to go thru 1 when we enter a #FederalBldg for yrs? I've had to be #Screened numerous times! Why is this #Unconstitutional for #GOPMembers but not for #WeThePeople? @RepSteveStivers @CapitolPolice 2. Talk about a #DoubleStandard! What's good for #WeThePeople is good for all #Politicians! Why is it that @GOP can't do what needs to be done for #CommonGood? #Elitism And #WearADamnMask!
Jan 9, 2021 5 tweets 7 min read
@nytopinion @karaswisher 1. #Trump should have been banned permanently from all #SocialMedia a long time ago. Say when he started promoting the #Birtherism malarkey. #SocialMedia & #TechCompanies played a role in the #CapitolRiot & they must own up to it! Their failure to monitor their platforms has…... @nytopinion @karaswisher 2. allowed the lies and conspiracy theories to spread like wildfire. #SocialMedia needs #Regulation. The laws haven't kept up with the #Tech & they need to be updated. Perhaps if this had been done ages ago, all the crazy stuff that is out there wouldn't have such a large....
Dec 28, 2020 14 tweets 8 min read
1. In Nov 2016 my mom was diagnosed w/#Dementia w/#AuditoryHallucinations. As she left our house at 12AM & wandered around our neighborhood, we had to put her in a #NursingHome. She was a very limited #EnglishSpeaker & very few of her caregivers spoke #Portuguese. She wasn’t used 2. to #AmericanFood. Throughout her life she cooked the food she started cooking at 7 in #Portugal. For these & so many other reasons, I visited my mom every day. I brought dinner for both of us & spent several hrs w/her. She had gotten used to the #Routine we had established...
Dec 14, 2020 6 tweets 12 min read
@Rac1ngSnak3 @Marmel @JoJoFromJerz @SenatorLoeffler I'm not religious so I haven't studied the #Bible but it seems to me that this quote applies well to you. I'm tired of those who profess to be #Christians but are just plain #Hypocrites. My illiterate peasant g-mother couldn't read the Bible but she could..... @Rac1ngSnak3 @Marmel @JoJoFromJerz @SenatorLoeffler 2. teach you & your #SelfProclaimedChristians buddies a thing or 2 about being #Good #Kind #Decent #HumanBeings. Before we left Portugal, I spent a lot of time w/my GM. I remember sitting at her kitchen table sharing a meal w/a beggar on more than 1 occasion. Our family was...