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Mar 1st 2021
Why is there no movement on #VenezuelaTPS? Why hasn't the new administration done this incredibly obvious and simple political lay-up?
Surely, there can be no doubt that #Venezuela presents conditions of violence, strife, chaos and unrest sufficient for #TPS.
@POTUS campaigned on a promise of TPS for #Venezuelans. It was a clear distinction between Biden's approach and Trump's big stick and nothing else approach. But maybe Venezuelans did not believe that Biden would follow through. He was part of the Obama administration, after all.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 16th 2020
It's been more than a year since the House came together to pass the #VenezuelaTPS Act.

It's been more than a year of the Senate GOP blocking that bill to protect Venezuelans from deportation.

Headed to @DSenFloor to try to pass it TODAY.

WATCH 👉… Image
Venezuela continues to experience the worst political, economic & humanitarian crisis in our hemisphere.

Its people continue to suffer extreme food and medicine shortages, levels of criminal violence akin to a conflict zone & grave human rights abuses under the Maduro regime.
Maduro’s dictatorship has inflicted a humanitarian catastrophe on the Venezuelan people. President Trump talks tough on Venezuela, but refuses to provide temporary protection to 200,000+ Venezuelans in the U.S. at risk of deportation.

We need #VenezuelaTPS now!
Read 5 tweets

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