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Jan 29th 2023…
Agli imbrattatori #novax della sigla #ViVi potrebbero essere contestati altri reati, dalla #diffamazione all’istigazione a delinquere. «Stiamo valutando questa e altre ipotesi», afferma il procuratore di #ReggioEmilia Gaetano Calogero Paci 1/2
Minacce, diffamazioni, cercare di insultare tutti. Svastiche su foto. E continuano a parlare di lotta non violenta...non si rendono conto che quando parlano di #verita a modo loro sono minacciosi 2/2 ImageImageImageImage
Il punto fondamentale di questa storia è trovare il finanziatore di questo gruppo terroristico. A che punto vogliono arrivare? Ormai i loro argomenti sono fuori tempi massimo. Il mondo è andato avanti. Ma loro non se ne sono accorti. Basta ascoltare i loro audio deliranti Image
Read 4 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
Acc. to JTBC, all #LOONA members excluding #Hyunjin and #ViVi recently suspended theur exclusive contract with Blockberry Creative. An application for injuction was filed.

It's reported the 9 members made the decision as the mutual trust has broken.

#KoreanUpdates VF
Blockberry Creative denied the report from JTBC which said 9 members of #LOONA are filling an injunction for their exclusive contract. "It's groundless"…
#KoreanUpdates VF
Read 3 tweets
May 4th 2021
21O43O •─• ❝frequency of the moon; ep.54 (con #Choerry )❞

#이달의소녀 #최리 #비비 #LOONA #ViVi @loonatheworld
🌕 . · . resumen traducido!. ੭
Choerry ya cenó
Hoy es el cumpleaños de su hermana menor
(es el cumpleaños de Yejin, dijo su nombre en voz alta; tiene dos hermanas menores)
Choerry habló de querer ir de gira por todo el mundo después de la pandemia
Read 62 tweets
Nov 7th 2019
[ENG] From the latest posts from Mufully, "Check in to Knock Knock Knock"
#Heejin #Hyunjin #Haseul #LOONA
[ENG] From the latest posts from Mufully, "Check in to Knock Knock Knock"
#Yeojin #Vivi #KimLip #LOONA
[ENG] From the latest posts from Mufully, "Check in to Knock Knock Knock"
#Jinsoul #Choerry #Yves #LOONA
Read 5 tweets
Feb 5th 2019
Song recs from #LOONA to kick off the lunar new year
#Jinsoul: Our bright title song Hi High is good, but want to suggest our B-side, Heat, to stay warm in the new year.
#GoWon: SNSD - PARTY to get excited, like on the drive to meet your family.
#Hyunjin: There's this song called Baby shark. Driving while tired is dangerous, so listening to a cute song like this isn't a bad idea.
#KimLip: BTOB - Beep Beep; the drive to your parents' place will probably have traffic, so please drive carefully.
#Chuu: Turtles - Bingo; the early mornings are dark and it's easy to get sick, so you need to feel better!
#Heejin: my solo song ViViD. It's an exciting song. And after that, how about listening to all 12 solos, and then all the songs on our full group's album?
Read 4 tweets
Jan 27th 2019
Loona Theory: ViVi - Everyday I Love You Analysis and Easter Eggs

#ViVi #LOONA #Loonatheories @loonatheworld #ViVitheory Image
I plan to do an overall analysis of every MV. ViVi in my opinion has one of the best Music Videos of the bunch, and a lot of really cool hints at upcoming themes. Today I’ll be breaking down the video and showing you what I found most interesting about it. Image
We start with The 1/3 members tapes. I find it interesting that Hyunjin and Haseul are at the top. I’ve pointed out that both of these members die in their video, maybe this represents them now being “above” the other members or in Eden. Notice Hyunjin is left out of the stack ImageImage
Read 18 tweets
Jan 21st 2019
Here is my analysis of the teaser:

Based on this, here is a theory that I have formulated.
The teaser starts off with a picture of the #SuperBloodWolfMoon. Blood = Red = #KimLip; Wolf = #OliviaHye.
There is a strong connection between the two.
There is a also the audio of a #VHS tape being inserted behind this.
Read 15 tweets

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