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Apr 13th 2022
"Junta Terrorists raped a 14yo girl and burnt to death with her father in #Gangaw tsp, #Magway division"
-Junta Terrorists forcibly abducted 52yo U Aung Ye and his 14yo daughter Ma Moe Moe Htwe while they were going into the forest for finding and selling (1/4) #WarCrimesOfJunta ImageImageImageImage
animals for their living at Htaelaw village, #Gangaw tsp ,Magway on Apr4.
-Junta Terrorists raped the daughter in front of her father and burnt them to them in alive reportedly.
-Ma Moe Moe Htwe's body was found covered with a mask and handcuffs at the base of the pillar, (2/4)
while Aung Ye's body was found with burns on the main house.
-As there was no telephone, villagers couldn't connect with the victims for fleeing while Junta Terrorists were raiding the village
-As villagers found 3 used fake female organs near the dead body of girl and heard(3/4)
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