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Sep 7th 2022
Saludos amigos. Estaremos dando cobertura por acá al #AppleEvent

Nuestro amigo @ArgelioPB nos acompañará en la tarde de hoy. Mantengan la sintonía 😉

#iPhone #iPhone14 #Apple
#iPhone, #AirPods y #AppleWatch serán los dispositivos que veremos hoy, según Tim

Primeras vistas del #AppleWatchSeries8
Read 21 tweets
Jul 11th 2022
Welcome public beta testers to #iOS16, #tvOS16, #macOS Ventura, & #watchOS9! If you want a refresher or want to see the best new features, here is a thread of all the in-depth coverage and videos I've done thus far! What does everything think so far?!
Here is how to use Stage Manger on #iPadOS16 on #iPad and with an external display!
This video is how to modify your lock screen! Apple also added the new clownfish wallpaper since I did this video! It's an awesome throwback!
Read 11 tweets

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