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May 6th 2023
#GreatNews! #SummerEBT is coming to California, after a decade of tireless advocacy led by @fractweets and the Western Region anti-hunger community #WRAHC

#Thread 🧵 on why this is so significant to fight child #hunger..

@Jess_Bartholow @ClaireCLane @cj_wong @GutierrezItzul
Congress passed #SummerEBT #SEBT in December, and states can start operating the program in Summer 2024.

Learn more on the federal law and state options from @fractweets:

Get ready for really exciting #CAleg #CAbudget news..
@fractweets .@CASenateBudget @CASenateDems @NancySkinnerCA @SenToniAtkins @SenatorMenjivar's #CAbudget plan calls to prioritize #SummerEBT!

This is huge b/c states have to split administrative costs!…

But things get even better.. Image
Read 16 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
Sometimes the smallest things matter... sometimes they don't.
When I read the now banished #binance POR letter by #mazar's I noticed that there was a "," missing from the Company name
Today after doing a search on Key Vision Development across my archives an old post from last year that I sourced from last years gazette notices Key Vision was wound up at the same time as Binance Investments (Seychelles).
I thought I'd do a quick search for Binance Investments and there were only a couple references returned.
the one that popped was the following search result.

For two reasons...
1. this is the only other time I've seen a company drop the ","
Read 7 tweets
Oct 9th 2022
This post will sum up some common questions like how to find an #expireddomain, how much to invest, and how to make sure it will give results.

How to find expired domains?

I never look at #domains keeping a niche idea in mind; instead ...(1)
I prefer to find #niches out of the domains I like for the following advantages-

a) This way, I don't have to struggle with the scarcity of domains.
b) Right off the bat, I get new niche ideas.
c) Expired domains used around its Niche give best results. (2)
What are the must-haves for a suitable domain you can bid on?

1- Decide a budget

When you bid on anything, you might end up paying more than its actual value due to lack of knowledge; the adrenaline effect will make you bid more and more, so having a red line is a must (3)
Read 13 tweets
Jul 6th 2022
Any explanation for why the Wayback Machine seemed to have started auto-archiving nearly everyone's tweets (including replies) beginning on or around August/September 2019?
Not knocking it. It's actually been very helpful in recovering years-old tweets from suspended twitter accounts.
e.g., Baumgartner #wayback
Read 6 tweets

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