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Nov 20th 2021
Today I am asking the @niexecutive, the @UKgovcomms who fund them and the @IRE_Govt who we have a leaky border with to consider my mental health. And that of many others. Almost two years now of no normal life. You may say ‘but we opened up, you can do everything’ - but do I want
to do everything when it’s not safe? No. Therefore I’ve forgotten what it’s like to casually call into a friend’s house, to work in an office, to travel, to have hotel breaks, to nip into a shop without a mask and make a takeaway tea and sip through the lid without cleaning it!
To try clothes on in a changing room. To eat out in a restaurant, inside where it’s warm! To hold my baby nephews, to hug and comfort a good friend. To have my husband able to visit me after surgery. To have in person meetings and appointments and feel safe. To be a leader in
Read 16 tweets
Feb 25th 2021
New @IrishTimes poll:

- 67 % of people believe current restrictions are appropriate or insufficient

- 54 % of people favor a cautious school reopening

- 94 % believe travel should be banned or quarantine enforced

- Misleading question on #ZeroCovid…
The #ZeroCovid question was false comparison of 3 X options:

1. Normality once elderly & vulnerable vaccinated (68 %)
2. #ZeroCovid (30 %)
3. Don't know (2 %)

Option 1 is not the Government plan, and is not credible because widespread vaccination is required for normality.
#ZeroCovid enables much greater normality except travel until widespread vaccination. Then we return to normality plus travel.

The alternative option to #ZeroCovid is not normality once elderly & vulnerable are vaccinated. The alternative to #ZeroCovid is rolling lockdowns.
Read 17 tweets

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