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Apr 22nd 2020
#WednesdayWagner Another dose of your favourite composer! Today, we will talk about TRISTAN CHORD, the 3 bars that changed the history! This is probably the most analyzed excerpt in music [Spoiler: what happens next will surprise you]
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#WednesdayWagner There are a lot of issues that make so difficult a proper analysis. Since we seem to be in A minor, 1st bar is a kind of I (note that harmony is undefined) and 3rd bar is a V7 with an appoggiatura. The problem is the 2nd bar!
#TwitterCultural #COVID19 #StayAtHome
#WednesdayWagner If we look carefully the pitches of 2nd bar and we order them by thirds, we have this chord: minor chord on G# with diminished 7th (F natural). Note that this is NOT a diatonic chord belonging to any key
#TwitterCultural #COVID19 #StayAtHome
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