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Mar 1st 2023
Dragons feature prominently in East Asian folklore & mythology. They have different characteristics to the fire breathing dragons found in the west. In Asia dragons are considered auspicious & represent vitality & power. They are also connected to the weather.
In this thread I will share some of my earlier threads with dragon info and tales from #JapaneseFolklore. In Japan, dragons are known as wani and feature in many folktales. Firstly, here is some info about wani.

One of my favourite tales is about the goddess Benzaiten and her encounter with a five headed dragon off the coast of Kanagawa. This tale first shows the dragon as a villain, but then later as a protective guardian.

Read 14 tweets
Aug 4th 2022
Happy "Owl Day"!🦉🙌

when the owl hoots
how many are left?
-Issa (小林一茶), 1810.

#OwlAwarenessDay #InternationalOwlAwarenessDay #owls #フクロウ #Japan #ukiyoe #浮世絵

Image thanks🙇‍♂️ - &
Through a play on words, in Japan owls have come to be celebrated as bringers of luck and relievers of suffering.

🦉'Fukurō' (梟 'owl') can be broken down into homonyms for...
🍀'luck comes' (福 'fuku' /来 'ku' /郎 'rō').
🤕'without hardship' (不 'fu' /苦労 'kurō').
#Japan #梟
Owls make a regular appearance in Beniya Miyake's (紅谷三宅 @beniyamiyake) annual line-up.

Last autumn's creations were known as "owls that bring good fortune" (幸運を呼ぶミミズク)🦉😋

#wagashi #和菓子 #フクロウ #梟 #紅谷三宅
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Aug 27th 2021
The mesmerising driftwood sculptures of Japanese artist Nagato Iwasaki. ImageImage
All of the figures are part of an interconnected work that Iwasaki calls simply ‘Torso’ and each have undergone a painstaking process of construction over the past 25 years. ImageImage
“Gathering bits of wood from here and there, like an insect building a nest, I create sculptures” says the artist in one of his few interviews. Driftwood of just the right shape and size to mimic a human collarbone or the curve of a pelvis Image
Read 8 tweets
Jul 29th 2021
Today is 'Shichifukujin-no-hi' (七福神の日), a day dedicated to the '7 Gods of Fortune'. Mostly this is to do with wordplay.
One reading of July 27th could be...7 = 'shichi' シチ / 2 = 'fu' フ / 9 'ku' = ク. Together = 'shichifuku' (七福).
In the Muromachi period the first pilgrimage to the Seven Gods of Fortune began in Kyōto. From here similar pilgrimages popped up all across Japan.
The Kyōto Shichifukujin Mairi (都七福神まいり) is typically undertaken at the New Year, or on the 7th day of the month.
#Japan #京都
1) 🎣EBISU-JINJA (えびす神社)🐟

Ebisu (恵比寿) is the god of business prosperity, successful crops and abundance. He is patron of fishermen (he's typically depicted in a fisherman costume, with fishing rod & large fish) and workmen, & is possibly the most popular of the 7 gods.
Read 21 tweets
Jul 27th 2021
July 26th is known as 'Yūrei-no-hi' (幽霊の日 'Ghost Day'). On this date in 1825 the famous play 'Tōkaidō Yotsuya Kaidan' (東海道四谷怪談) premiered. It is arguably Japan's most famous ghost story, telling of Oiwa's (お岩さ) supernatural revenge.
#Yūreinohi #幽霊の日 #Japan ImageImageImageImage
Kyōto has its fair share of ghost stories, but I'll leave you in the hands of these wonderful people to tell you all about Edo's Oiwa (お岩さ).




#Japan Image
In celebration of 'Yūrei-no-hi', here's Kyōto most famous ghost story.
Established in 1599, the candy shop Minato-ya Yūrei Kosodate-ame Honpo (みなとや幽霊子育て飴本舗) is thought to be the store featured in the legend of the 'Child-rearing Ghost'. ImageImageImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
Hey, you finally woke up! You hit your head pretty hard there!

What's that? Dune trailer? Xbox series S? Global pandemic? What are you talking about? Hurry up and look at these new screens for Pocky and Rocky!
My goodness, these little characters are so CHARMING!! Look at how cute and SERIOUS they look! Image
Even from behind, on a small pixel grid, this is an absolutely beautiful rendition of a Komainu (狛犬) statue! That's right, this game is RICH with beautiful real life cultural and historical references!
#PockyAndRocky #奇々怪界 ImageImage
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Mar 22nd 2020
Mi querida @_Elena_Merino_ me ha pedido que hable en su podcast de una de mis obsesiones: los yōkai, criaturas legendarias de #Japon que son algo loco, terrible y maravilloso.
¡ABRO MEGAHILO #YOKAI para que veáis mi interpretación gráfica y contaros curiosidades! ¡Ahí vamos!
Kappa (河童): Viven en los ríos y son antropófagos, así que cuidado. Tienen una concavidad llena de agua en la parte de arriba de su cabeza. Si te encuentras uno, salúdale a la japonesa. Debe devolverte el saludo. Se le caerá el agua y perderá su fuerza.
Ah. Al kappa le gustan más los pepinos que la carne humana, así que conviene llevar alguno encima o dejar alguna ofrenda de ellos de vez en cuando.
(A partir de ahora, verás que cada pieza tiene dos vistas, humana y yōkai. Luego lo explico).
Read 24 tweets

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