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Aug 14th 2021
While there is so much established about CAC..

for @Heart_SCCT Prevention Symposium, I was asked by @RonBlankstein to talk about

"what's next for CAC Testing in 2021 (and beyond)?"

What are the main applications in the future?

@miguelcainzos23 @jaideeppatelmd
#1 CAC has come a long way
-evolving to the needs of the past decade from screening test to a SDM tool
-best tie breaker, adding the dimension of de-risking
-cost-effective and reassuring ok to avoid treatment
-cautiously approved by ACC/AHA guidelines
Looking forward, beyond established role as decision tool for statins and possibly ASA
we need to think beyond what the future may hold for CAC testing.

While I have a list of at least 10 applications, I will share today the top 5 immediate future roles for CAC testing
Read 11 tweets
Mar 14th 2020
Increase use Telehealth as an during #COVID19pandemic Decided to share my 5 year experience as a TelePCP internist
Lessons learned from #telemedicine

✅Do not assume any demographic will love/hate it. Ask all patients/caregivers. You will be surprise. #ageisjustanumber
✅Rapport via video takes less time compared to telephone. Look for visual cues of engagement.

✅How and where we present ourselves matter. If we are teleworking be mindful of your surrounding background should appear professional.
✅Be on time. Depending on the service you use the link to the appointment might expire. Is up to you to keep track.

✅You might need to ask the pt/caregiver to reposition the camera or smartphone. Do not be afraid to ask.
Read 10 tweets

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