Lessons learned from #telemedicine
✅Do not assume any demographic will love/hate it. Ask all patients/caregivers. You will be surprise. #ageisjustanumber
✅Rapport via video takes less time compared to telephone. Look for visual cues of engagement.
✅How and where we present ourselves matter. If we are teleworking be mindful of your surrounding background should appear professional.
✅Be on time. Depending on the service you use the link to the appointment might expire. Is up to you to keep track.
✅You might need to ask the pt/caregiver to reposition the camera or smartphone. Do not be afraid to ask.
✅Have all the documents and records you need ready. If you appear lost it might affect the confidence they have on you. Take a minute to gather what you need.
✅Technology glitches will happen. Keeping a good attitude and talking through it is helpful to keep pts at ease.
✅Document necessary requirements. This vary by state, telehealth platform, and healthcare system. Make sure you know what those are. Commonly: verbal consent, limitations of the physical exam with aid of telepresenter or caregiver. For state policy go cchpca.org
✅There are different models of telehealth workflow. Some use nursing to virtual check in the patients. Some do the visit directly. Primary care team can decide what works best for them based on the panel and previos post.
✅Trainees. My role have a complement of #MedEd #IPE advocate for tour trainees to get workplace experiences in #telehealth We have been working on this for years. Hope to make a thread about this subject in the future.
✅Ryan Haight Act for Controlled Substances. There is an exception if the patient is established, continuity of Rx for a provider covering, there is also an exception during health crisis. Not sure what to make of that but it is there. Light reading: justice.gov/archive/olp/pd…

@aoglasser @ETSshow @GIMaPreceptor @meggerber @NarjustDumaMD @ShreyaTrivediMD @thecurbsiders