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Nov 11th 2019
Mass conversions to Sunnism amongst Arab #Ahwazis are a fact that even the hateful Iranian regime doesn't deny. Ayatullats and high ranking officials have many times expressed their concern about the spread of 'Wahhabism' in Khuzestan (Persianised name of #AlAhwaz).
The Neo #Safawi regime employs the #Wahhabism card to silence&demonise #Sunnis that are opposed to it, esp. Iranian Sunni dessidents & converts to #Sunnism inside #Iran. It's an old trick that they have learnt from Israel (that demonises its critics with antisemitism allegation).
The problem: Although one can find a number of articles about Arab Ahwazi #ExShias on the net in the English language (in Arabic there is tons of stuff), most of it is scattered. Under this thread I will gather everything I have translated myself from Arabic/Persian to English.
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