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Jan 23rd 2021
#Kerala is seeing a steady increase of new #COVID19 cases & Test +ve rates.
👉It accounts for >40% of all new cases in India
👉Testing is pretty stagnated
👉Vaccination has been at a very low pace too. Only 47K Beneficiaries so far, while neighboring Karnataka did 1.83L
The only solace has been a relatively low mortality rate compared to the rest of the country. This mortality rate has also seen a marginal increase in recent times. There are also discrepancies in reported deaths between some district administrations and the state.
Districts like #Ernakulam, #Alappuzha, and #Pathanamthitta are seeing the maximum increase of new cases in recent days!
Read 6 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
Over the past 4 months, we’ve conducted Mastermind Kerala 1.0 over Zoom.

One of the topics chosen in the final heat of the event was this: Movie Theatres in Kerala.

Here’s a thread on interesting info I found while setting these questions.

#Malayalamcinema #Malayalamfilms
1. The first permanent movie theatre in #Kerala was set up in #Thrissur by Kattookkaran Varunny Joseph (as Jos Bioscope Projections), following his bioscope shows at #ThrissurPooram. It exists today as Jos Theatre in the heart of the city in the Round. ImageImage
2. One of the projectors used by Joseph was exhibited for a long time at #Sapna in Thrissur, a theatre founded by his family. It was finally handed over to the Kerala State Chalachitra Academy in 2020. Sapna, incidentally, took life as Rama Varma theatre in the 1930s. ImageImage
Read 32 tweets
Jul 25th 2019
TIL. There's a KFC in Kalarcode, Alappuzha dist in Kerala. Honestly, why would anyone (native/tourist) would want to walk into a KFC in the land of Kuttanadan toddy, beef and fish?! Image
Who wants KFC when you've this ambience. #Kuttanad #Alappuzha #Kerala
And god, this food! (it's all for Rs 280 per person) #Kuttanad #Alappuzha #Kerala Image
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