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Sep 13th 2022
#HappeningNow: Watch today’s 10AM ET news conference for findings of three new reports: Income in the United States: 2021, Poverty in the United States: 2021, and Health Insurance in the United States: 2021.

Tune in or follow this thread for highlights.…
4. The percentage of people with health insurance coverage for some or all of the calendar year 2021 was 91.7 percent.
5. The number of total workers was not statistically different, but the number of full-time, year-round workers increased by about 11.1 million.
Read 19 tweets
Aug 12th 2021
#HappeningNow: Watch today’s 1PM ET news conference for the #2020Census redistricting data release on Census Live. Tune in now or follow this thread as we live tweet some of the results.

“The data we are releasing today meet our high data quality standards, and I am proud to present them to the American public.” – Acting Director Dr. Ron Jarmin
“This past decade’s 7.4% population increase was lower than the previous decade’s 9.7% increase and was, in fact, the second lowest percent increase ever. Only the 1930s had slower growth.” – Marc Perry, Senior Demographer, Population Division
Read 21 tweets

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