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Nov 25th 2019
Tidbit from a piece I did some years ago:
#TaylorSwift began her philanthropy at 16. At 17 she donated $100k to help secure gay marriage rights against CA's terrible #Prop8. Michelle Obama honored her twice at the WH for her dedication to literacy.
#TaylorSwift has given millions to disaster relief in the US and elsewhere, to climate issues, to textbooks for under-funded schools. She has donated close to 100k books to schools, libraries and children's hospitals.
#TaylorSwift has given millions to #AIDS research, #FeedingAmerica, #UNICEF Tap Project, MusiCares. She has donated $25k to St. Jude's, $50k to Philly Children's hospital, $100k to cancer research. She has donated to myriad #LGBTQ rights organizations.
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