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Aug 14th 2020
The cat is out
It's #DivyaSaraThomas🤬Superintendent of Police in Chamarajanagar forcefully asked to place #Jesus photo and offered #pooja in #Anjaneya Temple🤬
If she can't get over Hindu Diety & Practices - y she converted for some RB's?
#Secularism ?! ImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Apr 20th 2018
Drove from #Bangalore to #Hospet, a distance of 350 km, on March 25th to see the #Hampi ruins. Instead of going back via Chitradurga, turned onto NH 150A from NH 48 at Hiriyur. The Hiriyur - Hospet stretch has much less traffic compared to Chitradurga-Hospet. #IndiaRoadTrip
Soon after crossing Hiriyur en route to #Hospet (near #Hampi), the landscape transformed itself dramatically. There were beautiful craggy hills and fields with the characteristic red soil of the region, with moderate to scanty vegetation. #IndiaRoadTrip
The #Hiriyur to #Hospet route goes close to #Bellary (now #Ballary), w/ its many mines of the best quality iron. Saw trucks transporting iron ore plying on this route. Incidentally, Bellary has often been in the news for rampant illegal mining & export of iron ore. #IndiaRoadTrip
Read 65 tweets

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