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May 15th 2020
Ready for @IRONMANtri VR7? I be posting IG Story on A Day In Life Of... a wannabe triathlete:) #beatyesterdaymy #garminmalaysia #hammeron #anywhereispossible
Monitoring HR is good practice. Couple that with how your sleep been helps you to understand your body and prepare for the rest of the day. Garmin devices allow me to monitor all these. #beatyesterdaymy #anywhereispossible
Sleep, Klingon, Exorcise, Lets Go. #anywhereispossible #hammeron
Read 30 tweets
May 9th 2020
@IRONMANtri #VR6 will start in a moment for me. Turning the 40km to an indoor FTP test and will take the 3km+10km run outdoor in 33DegC afternoon heat to push the body limits more. Mixing a serving of @hammernutrition #perpetuem to fuel me in the max 150mins workout.
Dang. Forgot to charge my @Garmin #Fenix5xPlus. 23% battery may be sufficient but not taking the chance. Lucky I have my #Edge1000 for the bike session first!
Setting up the FTP test on #Edge1000. Entering current FTP of 226W. Let’s see if I can come close! #Garminmalaysia #beatyesterdaymy #hammeron #anywhereispossible
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