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Apr 29th 2023
JC @VelezNephHepato blows up the IAC criteria for defining #Hepatorenal syndrome

Really impractical and not useful
#ApExPathshala Image
Interestingly enough, norepinephrine is possibly very similar to Terlipressin in hepatorenal syndrome as long as the MAP goes up (which is key!) @VelezNephHepato at
#ApExPathshala Image
Don’t miss abdominal compartment syndrome
@VelezNephHepato dates himself by mentioning this entity didn’t exist when he went to med school (neither for me 👴🏻
#ApExPathshala Image
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Apr 29th 2023
Tony @tony_breu holding court on renal physiology in ATN at #ApExPathshala
Is TGF in ischemic ATN good or bad? Image
The seminal paper of course is Klaus Thurau on Acute Renal Success
#ApExPathshala ImageImage
Without TGF, we would not have Acute Renal Success, we would have ‘complete renal failure’
@tony_breu At #ApExPathshala Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
💎 of #ApexPathshala

Dr. Patrick Walker takes a deep dive into the history of ‘MPGN’ as a nebulous entity eluding understanding for decades.

Here’s his meandering tale of MPGN that begins in early 1900s & goes on till the turn of the century.🧵

#historyofmedicine #nephtwitter Image

Dr.Theodor Fahr,the first modern pathologist & Dr.Franz Volhard,an internist from Mannheim🇩🇪,undo many prevailing misconceptions through formative work on Bright’s disease.

Their book👇🏻‘Die Bright’sche Nierenkrankenheit’ becomes a classic in the annals of glomerulology.2/n Image

Dr. Rene Habib,a pioneering pediatric nephrologist,studies a large cohort of children with MPGN &provides first descriptions of the disease.

Clinical & histopathological features of what formally gets named as MPGN l at the CIBA symposium convened at London in 1961. 3/n Image
Read 12 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
What i learnt today at #ApexPathshala second day of amazing talks and interactions

Immunosuppressive protocol by prof Dr S k Agarwal and Prof Dr. Jeremy chapman

🔥 the ⏰ timeline of drug development ImageImage
🔥 few ♥️ cardinal points of immunosuppression Image
🔥 risk stratification of patients in renal transplant at AIIMS 🏥

🔥when do you call a patient immunologically high risk ? 🔴 ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
The #Tweetorial guru @tony_breu up next with a fresh tweetorial presentation (he will post it tomorrow for the rest of you)

#ApExPathshala Image
Tony @tony_breu walking us through his research that underlies a single tweetorial

It’s intense.

Why? is a tough question.

This was a master class of physiology with several citations and lots of data and logical thinking 🤯

Watch out for @tony_breu tweetorial to drop in a few hours.

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Apr 28th 2023
What a way to convey ➡️ “ineffective osmoles”!👏🏻 @kidney_boy

#ApexPathshala Image
“We are terrible at this.” There’s evidence.

“It’s very hard.” It is indeed.

#ApexPathshala ImageImage
It’s my first ever ‘Joel Topf lecture’ in person, and I’ve fallen in love with the slides. Pretty much the case with everyone else hearing him here today.

The slides flow like mental maps.🧠 Incredibly communicative!
#ApexPathshala Image
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Apr 28th 2023
The fascinating session on ‘Salt, water, vinegar, soda’🧂continues with @VelezNephHepato taking off with acid-base metabolism in liver disease. Such a treat! #ApexPathshala Image
Increased permeability of blood brain barrier in liver disease ➡️ respiratory alkalosis #ApexPathshala Image
Cholestyramine induced NAGMA #ApexPathshala ImageImage
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