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Mar 26th 2022
I’m in Commerce for Trump’s rally for the seven Georgia Republicans he’s endorsed. Apparently, state Democrats are up here, too. Spotted outside the racetrack where thousands will soon gather are trucks emblazoned with: “Trump First Georgians Last.” #gapol
A Herschel Walker sighting in Commerce, where he’s surrounded by supporters seeking autographs and selfies. #gapol #gasen
Patrick Witt, who Trump is endorsing as part of an anti-Kemp vendetta, acknowledges few people in the crowd had ever heard of him let alone know he’s running for insurance commissioner. “I’m going to keep your insurance from going woke.” #gapol
Read 25 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
Today's #GetSmartInAHurry🤓#foreigntrade in the State of #Georgia.

"GA achieved a record-breaking year for international trade at $166.11 BILLION in 223 countries. Set a record for exports of $42.36B 🧵#gapol #atlpol…
GA ranked 7th in the U.S. dollar value #foreigntrade w/85% of our state’s exporters categorized as small businesses. Ranks 12th in the U.S. for dollar value of exports. GA’s top 5 trading partners were 🇨🇳China, 🇲🇽Mexico, 🇨🇦Canada, 🇩🇪Germany, 🇰🇷Korea.
Top 10 markets, trade w/🇮🇳 India & 🇻🇳Vietnam experienced the most growth. Supported by Georgia’s deepwater ports (primarily in #Savannah) and ideal location in the Southeast, top traded products in 2021 were motor vehicles, civilian aircraft, and parts for gas turbines.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 12th 2022
As we celebrate our win in staving off Buckhead City in 2022, we must move to the work of addressing the systemic issue because crime does not exist in a vacuum. ATLANTA IS THE #1 CITY FOR INCOME INEQUALITY IN AMERICA🧵
Video by @11AliveNews #gapol #atlpol
Atlanta's Wealth Gap by median household income: $83,000/year for white families vs. $28,000/yr for black families.

Source: Atlanta Wealth Building Initiative @ATL_AWBI
In Atlanta, 29% of black households live below the poverty line compared to 2% of white households.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 13th 2022
Lt. Gov. @GeoffDuncanGA plans to assign the Buckhead cityhood bill sponsored by Republican Brandon Beach to the Democratic-led Urban Affairs Committee, effectively bottling it up for now. #gapol
LG says no to Atlanta 2.0? Duncan has been a big skeptic of the Buckhead secession initiative. #gapol Image
Read 7 tweets
Dec 3rd 2021
It’s been a minute since I’ve tweeted but maybe I’m back? At least for now so I can say my piece…A thread about @WFPGeorgia, the amazing work of organizers and burnout #gapol #atlpol #thread 🧵
Shall we talk about elections in GA (& in general) and what we have accomplished at @WfpGeorgia #gapol #atlpol /1
.@WfpGeorgia started this cycle with State of the City events where we laid out our plan to run a progressive slate in ATL and gave voters an opportunity to inform which issues we included in our vetting/endorsement process #gapol #atlpol /2
Read 22 tweets
Dec 1st 2021
BREAKING: Dickens wins runoff election, will become Atlanta’s 61st mayor #gapol #atlpol…
State Rep. @ddreyer opens for Dickens: “We can show the rest of the country what Atlanta stands for. We stand for equity. We stand for not leaving anyone behind.” #atlpol #gapol
Flanked by two Atlanta mayors — and side by side with his mom — Mayor-elect Andre Dickens savors his victory. “I’m beyond humbled,” he says. #gapol #atlpol
Read 4 tweets
Dec 1st 2021
No scrolling screens of election results here at @andreforatlanta election night party. The Bachelorette is on and the crowd is lively as early returns show him with a solid lead over Felicia Moore in the race for Atlanta mayor. #gapol #atlpol
Here’s why Team Dickens is so optimistic
“The momentum seems to be continuing but we know there are results that are still coming in.” — Atlanta Mayor @KeishaBottoms at Dickens’ campaign party. She says “we’ve got some Black Boy joy” in the city of Atlanta. #gapol
Read 5 tweets
Nov 3rd 2021
The polls are closed in Georgia and Game Six of the World Series is about to start. An epic day in Atlanta as baseball and politics collide once again. #gapol
The setup at @mooreforatlanta’s watch party in downtown Atlanta … #gapol
Me and about two other people in this slowly growing election watch party just went nuts over Soler’s three run shot
Read 10 tweets
Oct 11th 2021
No, the Fulton County GOP has not endorsed @mooreforatlanta’s campaign for mayor, the chair tells me. So does Burt Jones, the GOP candidate for LG who is pictured in one of the fliers going around. #gapol #atlpol
Says Fulton GOP chair Trey Kelly:
“The image is a manufactured photo. We have supporters backing Reed, Moore and all the other candidates being it's a non-partisan election.” #gapol #atlpol
The Fulton GOP hosted a meet-and-greet for Moore last week, though other candidates are also courting Republican support. Here’s an invite to a Buckhead Young Republicans event with Reed later this month, sure to focus on the cityhood push he opposes. #gapol #atlpol Image
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Sep 9th 2021
Last night, @atlcouncil voted YES on plans to raze Atlanta Forest to build a $90MM cop training facility. 70% of the public opposed the plan.

The fight to #StopCopCity isn’t over. But this isn’t the 1st time @atlpolicefdn used backroom deals to expand violent policing. A thread:
Founded in 2003, Atlanta Police Foundation (@atlpolicefdn) is a private, corporate-sponsored organization. Behind closed doors, police foundations and their corporate sponsors privately fund the ongoing militarization & expansion of policing, targeting BIPOC communities. #gapol
.@atlpolicefdn is no exception. The pro-police group reported $7 million dollars in revenue in 2018, and nearly $11 million in 2019, a 45% increase. This private $$$ is used to supplement APD's massive budget with little to no public accountability, transparency, or oversight.
Read 19 tweets
Jul 9th 2021
Looking through @KasimReed's campaign finance report:
- Total contributions: $1.055M
- Cash on hand: $979K Image
Billionaires Funding Group, which just purchased Underground Atlanta, gave @KasimReed $4,300 (for the general election and a runoff).

Here's some background on the company and project, via @UrbanizeATL:…
@KasimReed @UrbanizeATL .@kwanzahall gave @KasimReed $2,000.

No surprise there.
Read 26 tweets

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